Lau Gatignon, EATM,
The construction of the CHARM and IRRAD zones is completed and operation at nominal intensity started yesterday afternoon. Over the last few weeks initial commissioning at lower flux has started and allowed tests and calibrations of the instrumentation and timing system, as well as initial beam tuning. The rollers below the mobile shielding have been replaced last week and the roof shield is complete. Tests of the ventilation system have been performed and show that under-pressure can be achieved. A first calibration of the SECs was made with respect to an ionisation chamber, using a very low intensity slow-extracted beam (down to ppp). A final cross check will be made using an Aluminium foil, with help from RP. A calibration against a BCT with a fast extracted beam has been postponed till next year. Details can be found in a recent presentation to the IEFC at
DAMPE continues until tomorrow. Then change to RE21/CBM. Consign T9SPECTRO and remove the MDXH magnet from the zone, as well as the DAMPE apparatus. Install CBM apparatus, consisting of a RICH, MWPC’s 8TRD) and RPC’s (TOF). CBM brings its own tables. The RICH contains 3 m 3 of CO 2 and the TRD uses Xe/CO 2 or Ar/CO 2 at a few l/hr. The RICH has already been tested in They may use a source. On Wednesday 26 th of November change to CALICE/AHCAL. Same as in October run. On Monday 8 th of December change to LHCb, testing Silicon pixel and strip detectors, a scintillating fiber detector and Cerenkovs. Similar set-up as in July.
ALICE/TOF continues till Friday 14 th of November with ALICE/ITS as parasitic user. ALICE/ITS continues alone. On Friday 21 st of November change to ALICE/TPC. This is a small (20 kg) gaseous detector and needs the Cerenkov. Install on the red platform. They use their own premixed gas (Ne-CO 2 -N 2 ). On Friday 28 th of November change to ALICE/PHOS, which will also use the red table (to support their PWO crystal calorimeter inside a freezer)) The freezer uses a small flow of Nitrogen. PHOS also requests the Cerenkov. Same as in September. On Friday 5 th of December change to ALICE/TOF, a well-known user.
CLOUD continues until the 23 rd of November, no changes. On Monday 254 th of November change to P349, a small experiment studying the polarisation of antiprotons produced in p-N collisions at 24 GeV/c. It is a very small set-up fitting on the small platform at the beam entrance into the T11 zone. CLOUD will remove their scintillator in front of ZT11.BVT01. The liquid Hydrogen target safety aspects has been followed up with HSE.
The M2 beam for COMPASS has been set up in hadron and muon mode, in spite of delay on the COMPASS side related to LHE supply and problems with their cold box. CEDAR 2 was badly misaligned, but this was successfully corrected and both CEDARs are now working fine. The ABSORBERS are working for the moment, but following the experience just before the start-up(severe oxydation), a thorough maintenance will be required before the start of the 2015 run.
COMPASS has installed a protective cover against temperate gradients over the length of the CEDARS
The K12 beam has been fully and successfully commissioned. The alignment and other studies have paid off as the profiles are now symmetric and the full acceptance has been restored. Nevertheless a -34 Amps correction has to be made to TRIM-1 (which was -24 Amps in 2012!), but it could be explained by a small mis-alignment of the front end QNRB quadrupoles and has no negative effects otherwise. The over-pressure in the double wall was commissioned last week, 2 PA reached. There is an inconsistency between the intensities shown on the T4 and T10 targets. The transmission seems low by a factor 2. However, detailed beam studies show that steering and optics are as expected. Together with BE-OP more detailed characterisation of the incoming beam must be done, including emittance and calibration of the beam intensity. The present hypothesis is that the BSI monitor sees lots of halo particles coming from upstream. Next year consolidation & upgrade of the ventilation system.
Vertical profile at T4 with and without beam