Declan Quin By declan quin
Myers Briggs personality test We had to take a quiz and this is what was said about me. I am Warmly enthusiastic, high spirited, ingenious, imaginative. I am able to do almost anything that interests me. I am Quick with a solution for any difficulty and ready to help anyone with a problem. I Often rely on their ability to improvise instead of preparing in advance. I Can usually find compelling reasons for whatever they want.
quote We had to pick a quote that someone famous had said and I said ‘happiness is never stopping to think if you are’ from Paul Sondreal.
Learning styles We took a quiz about how we learn best and I found out I was a kinaesthetic learner and I learn best by banging things around. moving around using my hands being hyperactive I am also well co ordinate.
Positive and negative characteristics We looked at a sheet on positive and negative things about being smart I think one positive is you have a good learning capacity and one negative is you get paid out by other kids
True coulors We took a a true colours test and I was orange some thing oranges like to do are. like to be playful they like to take risks.they like to have fun they get easily distracted they get bored easily they like to multi task
Pig We had to draw a pig on a piece of paper and later found out what it meens I drew mine facing forward which meens I am a realist and I like playing the devils advocate and neither fear nor avoid discussion.
The end. Thanks for watching my slideshow.