First Industrial Revolution
Transportation Improvements Railroads Canals Steamboats
Factory System Manufacturing Textile Mills – factory producing cotton & its products –Lowell Mills: people & machines were all under one roof new type of system to produce more product Mill (factory) towns – NE & Midwest
Lowell Mills Textile mills in Lowell, MA; females = 75% of workers Conditions awful; workers went on strike; unions!
Urbanization develop civilization & technology cities are on the rise; especially on American east coast education on the rise –“new national literacy renaissance” American west still very rural (except San Francisco)
Inventions telegraph – transmission of written messages w/o physical transport of letters cotton gin – machine that separates cotton fibers from seedpods; Eli Whitney & slave interchangeable parts – components of a device that can be used for similar machines (ex. car parts today); Eli Whitney & gun parts – puzzle the pieces back together Reaper – Cyrus McCormick; faster way to harvest crops
1. What powered the First Industrial Revolution?
2. What was the main way of transportation during this time?
3. Where were most of the products mass produced during the Industrial Revolution?
4. What invention increased slavery?
5. What invention expanded communication across the country?