Field Activities in Gujrat District (Pakistan) IGP Site 1 Dr. M. Mohsin Iqbal Global Change Impact Studies Centre (GCISC) GECAFS IGP CPW&F and APN Launch Workshops Kathmandu-Nepal, June 27-30, 2006
Afghanistan India Iran China
Gujrat District in a glance Area: 3192 Latitude: N to N Longitude: E to E Altitude: 219 m
Besa Natha Qureshi Amra Kalan Dabu Barsala Makiana Chaudhowal Mesi Kotwal
Total Farm Area Cultivated Area (91.2%) Net Sown (94.8%) Current Fallow 8.87 (5.2%) Uncultivated Area (8.8%) Waterlogged 1.78 (10.8%) Forest 0.75 (4.5%) Others 8.82 (53.2%) Unculturable 5.23 (31.5%) Agriculture in Gujrat (Area 000 ha)
Sources of Water Canal Groundwater (Tube well driven) Rainfall
Cultivated Area Classified by Mode of Irrigation (000 ha) Total Cultivated area Irrigated (51.6%) Canal (13.9%) Canal & Tubewell (17.8%) Tubewell (68.3%) Others1.25 (1.4%) Rainfed83.55 (48. 4%)
Interaction of Water and Production Cropping pattern Level of productivity Cropping Intensity Land use intensity Soil fertility
Project Activities - (Aug 2005 to date) Site selection September 2005 Literature SurveyDecember 2005 (>22 institutions in Gujrat, Lahore, Faisalabad, Rawalpindi & Islamabad) GECAFS grant meetingDecember 2005 (Kathmandu) Initial reportFebruary 2006 Field SurveyApril-May 2006
Field Studies (On Vulnerability Assessment)
Purpose of Field Survey To fill the data gaps remained during literature review To collect primary, secondary data at household and district level. To validate the existing printed data on the food systems of Gujrat To enhance the understanding of food system by meetings with different officials of the Gujrat district.
Methods for Vulnerability Assessment Macro-level quantitative vulnerability assessment Vulnerability of production to temp. stress Vulnerability of production to water stress Vulnerability to trade liberalization? SWOT analysis of existing food system
Methodology for Data Collection Field Surveys –Questionnaire/interview sessions with local communities Agro-economic Survey Poverty and vulnerability survey Health Survey Food system characterization survey Focused Group Discussions, with –Producers –Landless Rural Households –Wholesalers –Retailers –Processors –Government Department –District Administration Data digitization & analysis
Villages surveyed Tehsil Gujrat –Chak Chaudhowal –Makiana –Mesi Tehsil Kharian –Amra Kalan –Kotwal –Dabu barsala Tehsil Serai Alamgir –Baisa –Natha Qureshi
Sample farms selected from Gujrat on the basis of source of irrigation ** AreaTypeSourceFarm categoryNo. of Resp. Irrigated High water allowance Perennial CanalSmallMediumLarge9 Irrigated High water allowance Perennial Canal+ Tubewell SmallMediumLarge9 Irrigated Low water Allowance Perennial CanalSmallMediumLarge9 Irrigated Low water Allowance Perennial Canal+ Tubewell SmallMediumLarge9 IrrigatedSeasonalCanalSmallMediumLarge9 IrrigatedSeasonal Canal+ Tubewell SmallMediumLarge9 Non Irrigated RainfedTubewellSmallMediumLarge9 Non Irrigated RainfedRainSmallMediumLarge9
Urban Consumers** Income Group No. of Respondents Slum Area7 Low income Area7 Middle Income Area7 High Income Area7 Very High Income Area7
Rural Consumers Category No. of Respondents Landless Laborers 5 Shopkeepers 5 Small Farmers 5 Medium Farmers 5 Large Farmers 5 Employed persons 5
Outcomes Will be discussed in Mapping of the food matrix & Vulnerability analysis presentations