Action Research
What is Action Research? Applied focus Specific, practical issue Solve problem Improve practice
Importance of AR Promotes reflection Tests new ideas Encourages change Empowers teachers Improves educational practice
Practical AR Studies local practices Involves individuals or teams Focuses on teacher development or student learning Implements plan of action Leads to teacher-as-researcher
Limitations of AR Researcher as participant Limited number of subjects Lack of traditional controls Limited replication
Pay attention to …. Validity Sensible Meaningful Useful Reliability Stable Consistent
Triangulation Use multiple sources of data Achievement Engagement Attitude
Data Collection: 3E 3 E Experiencing Observation Field notes Enquiring Interview Survey Questionnaire Test Examining Archival data Artifact Videotape
Ethical and Practical Do no harm Informed consent Confidentiality Don’t mess your nest
Systemic Reform Systemic issue or problem Systemic action or solution Substantive collaboration Plan intervention & assessment Implementation
Research Design To claim the intervention is effective… You must provide evidence of change… Comparisons are critical
Comparison I Individuals With v Without E.g. K students learn some letters with pictures and some letters without pictures Caution: Equal time on task Caution: Sequence of treatments - randomize if possible
Comparison II Group/Class With v Without E.g. One class uses paired discourse and another uses individual worksheet to summarize. Caution: Equal time on task Caution: Equal inclusion of classes. NB: Hawthorne effect.
Comparison III Student Subgroups Consider groups disaggregated under NCLB Race/ethnicity Gender SES/poverty LEP
Comparison IV Skill Subsets E.g. facts, concepts, problems E.g. achievement, engagement, attitude
Comparison V Individual Before & After Useful for skills & attitudes Can be combined with other comparisons Caution: Students may learn something under any conditions.
Comparison VI Progress over time Comparison of daily or weekly scores.
Collecting Data To interpret your results, Look for…. Significant differences Correlations Patterns & emergent themes Collect the data you need Observation journal