CLUB ACTIVITIES Meeting with the Chemical Engineering Department Chairman, Dr. Adnan Al-Amer The meeting was Coral international hotel. More than 100 student attended this meeting. This meeting was sponsored by Sabic Co.
CLUB ACTIVITIES The first meeting for CHE CLUB members This meeting was the first gathering for all members in 2009 with the new managing of the club. The club mission, vision and the committees were discussed. More than 80 member attended.
CLUB ACTIVITIES Club projects: Carbon Nano Tubes Reactor Project advisor and mentor is Dr. MUATAZ ALI ATIEH. Six members are working on it. Almost done.
CLUB ACTIVITIES Club projects: Production of Hand sanitizer Members idea. Done of the analysis and will start production next semester. Will be tested in Chemistry department laps.
CLUB ACTIVITIES Club projects: Production of Bio-Diesel Members idea. Analysis stage. Production will be next semester.
CLUB ACTIVITIES Sabic visit 25 member visited Sabic Co in AL-Jubail city. The trip was to Sabic Technology Center. Members visited the labs and saw how they are really work.
CLUB ACTIVITIES Safety design short course This course was done for CHE 495 students. The course was offered from Sabic CO and Dr. Nasir M. Tukur was the lecturer. The course will be done each semester.
CLUB ACTIVITIES Nano technology seminar The seminar was offered by Dr. MUATAZ ALI ATIEH. 30 member attended this class. Dr. MUATAZ showed how did the technology developed and its uses nowadays.
CLUB ACTIVITIES A gathering night with TASNEE CO & CHE Dept The event was to introduce TASNEE Co for CHE students and faculty. More than 200 student and member attended this event This event was in le Meriden hotel and it was sponsored by TASNEE Co.
CLUB ACTIVITIES COOP Program seminar This seminar was offered by Dr. Usamah A. Al-Mubaiyedh. More than 25 member attended this session. Dr. Usamah explained what is the program and what does the department expect from the student when he comes back from it.
CLUB ACTIVITIES OPEN DAY The club organised: the majors open day for prep-year students The open day for CHE students. This meeting was required and sponsored from the student affairs and Dr. Basim was the speaker in this event.
CLUB ACTIVITIES ABET participation The club participated with the department in the organisation for the ABET visit. 25 member met the ABET in an open meeting with no presence of faculty.
CLUB ACTIVITIES Club outer participations The American Institute for Chemical Engineers (AIChE) events. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) events.