{ New Nation Chapters 7 & 8
What do you know about George Washington? Bell RingerDay 1
I can explain the major events of George Washington’s presidency. SS: and SS: Learning Target 1
Washington as President As you watch, please write 4 notes per section.
What surprised you about George Washington? Bell Ringer Day 2
I can explain the major events of George Washington’s presidency. SS: and SS: Learning Target 1
A son of his father’s second marriage A son of his father’s second marriage Very close to mother Very close to mother Lost father at young age Lost father at young age Born into gentry Born into gentry Surveyor Surveyor Married for $$$ Married for $$$ Very ambitious Very ambitious Washington as President As you watch, please write 4 notes per section.
Perfect president – no heir Reluctantly accepted POTUS, wanted to retire Washington as President
Washington Knox - War Hamilton - Treasury Jefferson - State Randolph – Attorney General
Fielding Lewis & Betty Washington
Please read the Q & A about George Washington. Please remember I know what reading looks and sounds like. Bell RingerDay 3
I can explain the major events of Washington’s Administration. SS SS Learning Target 2
Proposed by Alexander Hamilton Print money Wants nation to pay state debt National Bank
Tax to pay federal debt Tax to pay federal debt Corn farmers Corn farmers Protested and tarred and feathered tax collectors Protested and tarred and feathered tax collectors Whiskey Rebellion
Washington leads 13,000 to put down the rebellion Protestors left Only president to lead troops Demonstrated that states had to follow federal laws Whiskey Rebellion
Retire to Mt. Vernon Retire to Mt. Vernon Refused to remain in power Refused to remain in power George Washington’s Farewell
Read that passage about the Whiskey Rebellion. Answer the 2 questions on your own paper. Tip: Read the source information first. I also read the secondary source first. Primary & Secondary Source Reading
As you watch the video, write 3 things you think are important to remember about Washington. video Bell RingerDay 4
I can describe the major events of John Adam’s presidency. SS: SS: Learning Target 3
Election of How is the nation divided? 2.Who won the election?
John Adams North Supported industry and trade Wanted a strong central government Thomas Jefferson South Supported agriculture Capitol in VA Wanted state’s rights Election of 1796
XYZ Affair France helped US, we refuse to help France France wanted $250,000 to talk and a $12 million loan Adams refused to go to war Alien and Sedition Acts Forbid anyone from criticizing the national government Against 1 st Amendment! Cost Adams a 2 nd term
How were the Alien and Sedition Acts against the Bill of Rights? Bell RingerDay 5
I can describe the major events of Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency. SS: 8 – SS: 8 – Learning Target 3
Democratic Republicans replaced the Federalists Kept the national bank Worked to cut spending and keep government small Jeffersonian Era
Needed access to Mississippi and New Orleans Napoleon need $ for war in Europe Great Britain mad Louisiana doubled US territory for $15 million Constitution? Louisiana Purchase
Why was the Louisiana Purchase so important to the United States? Bell RingerDay 6
I can describe the major events of Thomas Jefferson’s Presidency. SS: 8 – SS: 8 – Learning Target 3
Meriwether Lewis and William Clark Explore the West Help from Sacagawea Work with Natives, find food, and cross the Rocky Mountains Lewis & Clark Expedition (1803)
War between Britain and France (1807) Britain raided US ships for supplies Forced US Navy to serve in British Navy British Impressment
Please review your study guide. Circle 2 questions you are unsure about on the study guide. Bell Ringer Day 7
Level 0 Break Detention Retake Test Test as Cover Sheet Book as barrier Read Chap 8: Sec 4 The War of 1812 (Pg )
Describe the Lewis and Clark expedition. Bell RingerDay 8
Retakes RETAKES No Talking Lunch Detention Make-up Correct answer only NO PRONOUNS!! Retake Make-up first Retake on answer sheet NO RETAKES No Talking Lunch Detention Westward Expansion Video