All College Day Friday, January 25, 2013 West Valley College Integrated Planning
What is Integrated Planning? Integrated planning is a system that enables a college to review, assess, and plan for its efficient and student-centered operation. The integrated planning process includes data from Student Learning Outcomes (SLO), Program Review (PR), and Budget Planning
External Evaluation of the College’s Integrated Planning Progress Accreditation Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC): As part of the accreditation self-study process, progress on program review, student learning outcomes, and planning are evaluated by ACCJC → Rubrics → Program Review to reach “Sustainable Continuous Quality Improvement” (highest level) by Fall 2012 → SLO process to reach “Proficiency” (second to the highest level) by Fall 2012 SLO report due to ACCJC March 15, 2013
Integrated Planning at West Valley College Fall 2012 foci: SLO Committee and Program Review Committee worked diligently with faculty and staff to meet the Accreditation Commission’s deadlines Institutional Effectiveness Framework was blessed by college participatory governance groups Spring 2013 focus: 3 entities: SLO, PR, and Budget Planning to work together to coordinate processes and timelines to fine-tune our Integrated Planning process.
The WVC Institutional Effectiveness Framework
The WVC Integrated Planning Process
Update on the 3 Integrated Planning Pieces: Program Review, SLO Assessment, & Budget Planning Program Review Program Review for Spring will begin in early March and end in April 2013 New Policy and Procedure, preliminary data and final report available on new Program Review Webpage, New data collection instrument using Survey Monkey nccApxGVoaQ_3d_3d nccApxGVoaQ_3d_3d
Update on the 3 Integrated Planning Pieces: Program Review, SLO Assessment, & Budget Planning Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) Institutional trends and needs have been identified. A robust institution-wide dialogue about student learning is taking place. This conversation is informing budget planning and resource allocation. Some course level and program level assessments will need to be completed in February. Your trusty SLO representative will contact your department chair. Many thanks to this dedicated committee!
Update on the 3 Integrated Planning Pieces: Program Review, SLO Assessment, & Budget Planning Budget Planning FTES, converted to FTEF, drives the personnel costs of academic departments. FTEF allocation is via PGC planning Special funding needs are defined in Program Review, tied to program objectives Annual budget planning ties PGC planning and Program Review with operational costs to support program objectives will not be a “roll-over” budget Budget planning tool to be distributed showing up to three years expenditures as comparison Probable start in late February/March; completion by end of April/May “Zero-based” budget, documenting: Personnel costs per Position Control File Each operational expense (5XXXX object codes) determined with cost factors, known costs, or measurable in objective way Budget based upon defined college priorities and objectives, including College Council restructuring plans
The WVC Integrated Planning Process In Motion…
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