____ Describe the cell cycle, including the process of mitosis. Explain the role of mitosis in the formation of new cells and its importance in maintaining chromosome number during asexual reproduction ____ Explain the relationship between mutation, cell cycle, and uncontrolled cell growth potentially resulting in cancer ____ Compare and contrast binary fission and mitotic cell division Standards
Essential Question: What mechanisms control the life cycle of the cell?
I. Organism Growth In order for an organism to grow they must increase the number of _____ because increasing the size of a cell does not make sense Cells have ______ for how large they can become. Cells cannot grow too _____ because: 1.DNA – the cell can grow in _____ but there will be no extra ______ made leads to an “___________ crisis” cells large size DNA information limits
2. Surface Area Versus Volume a cell’s ________ increases much faster than its ________ area DIAGRAM: volume surface 6 1 6: : :1
large volumes with small ________ area means the cell membrane cannot receive _________ and get rid of _______ fast enough for the cell to ________ ________ and _________ would occur too slowly surface nutrientswastes survive osmosisdiffusion
II. The Cell Cycle = the life cycle of the _____ which includes _______ and ________ to ______ and ________ the overall organism to replace ____ and worn-out cells cell growth growdevelop old division
CELL CYCLE PROCESSES: 1. Interphase = the _______ part of the cell cycle in which all organelles are doubled except the ________ growth nucleus
a.G 1 phase = Gap I phase in which the cell grows in _____ and protein production is _____ nerve cells cannot replicate because they get ______ in this phase b. S phase = Synthesis phase in which the _____________ in the nucleus are copied c. G 2 phase = Gap II phase in which the cell prepares for _________ size high stuck chromosomes division
2. Mitosis = the process in which the cell nucleus is __________ Inside the nucleus is the genetic material of life known as _____. During cell division, the _____ will change forms. chromatin = long, stringy strands of _____ mixed loosely with ________ called histones replicated DNA proteins DNA double helix DNA and histones Chromatin Supercoiled DNA
b. chromosome = one long, continuous piece of _____ made of numerous ______ coiled chromosomes signal the start of _________ c. sister chromatids = identical halves of a _____________ DIAGRAM: DNAgenes chromosome mitosis
mitosis will take the duplicated _____________ made in _____________ and divide them up between two new _____ so that each new cell will have a _________ with the exact same genetic ________ this means that when mitosis makes new cells they are ________ to the old cells the 4 phases in mitosis that will divide the DNA are: _________ __________ chromosomes Interphase (s) cells nucleus material identical prophase metaphase anaphase telophase
Parent cell centrioles spindle fibers centrosome nucleus with DNA INTERPHASE
3. cytokinesis = the last step of the cell ________ which divides the cell’s ___________ and ___________ e.g. division organellescytoplasm animal cells = cleavage furrow plant cells = cell wall
At the end of cytokinesis, there are __ identical _____ which makes the overall organism grow in _____ The resulting cells of the cell cycle are known as ________ cells somatic cell = a _____ cell (all cells or the human body are considered somatic cells EXCEPT _____ and ______) 2 cells size somatic body eggsperm
III. Cell Cycle Rate & Cancer Cells control the ____ at which they divide and make new ______ External and internal chemicals signal when cells start and end each step of the cell _______ Depending on a cell’s ________ and the overall age of an _________, time spent in each phase of the cell ______ will vary rate cells cycle organism function cycle
Sometimes, cells are scheduled to self-destruct or ____ in order for the overall organism to function properly apoptosis = programmed cell ______ e.g. die death webbed fingers as embryo webbed fingers
Cancer = a class of diseases which results in the body’s inability to control the _______ and division of _____ resulting in an overabundance of unwanted and unusable _____ which can clump together to form _______ growth cells tumors
tumors are said to be _______ if tumor cells remain clumped together making it relatively easy to remove all unwanted _____ by treatment tumors are said to be __________ if some of the tumor cells migrate to other parts of the body where they can _______ or form new tumors benign cells malignant divide
cancer is caused by some form of __________ or error found within the DNA mutations can be _________ or caused by some sort of outside influence like ____________ treatments for cancer include _________ and ______________ mutation inherited carcinogens radiation chemotherapy
IV. The Cell Cycle & Reproduction We know that all creatures start as a single cell. However, if cells only come from other cells, and they are identical after going through the cell cycle, how do _________ differ from their ________? In ________ reproduction, a new organism is created from __ parent and the offspring are _________ to this parent except if __________ arise offspring parents asexual 1 identicalmutations
In _______ reproduction, a new organism is created from the _____ of __ parents DNA from each parent is placed together in a single cell which creates an __________ that is different from each parent sexual reproduction produces a GREATER amount of _______ variation sexual DNA2 individual genetic
A.Asexual Reproduction = the production of an individual from only __ parent Produces offspring that are ________ to parent because the _____ of the new offspring comes from ___ parent The cell cycle with ________ also results in daughter cells _________ to parent cells This means the cell cycle with ________ and some forms of asexual reproduction are very similar process both of which limit _______ variation e.g. 1 identical DNA 1 mitosis identical mitosis genetic
Types of Asexual Reproduction: 1.Budding = type of asexual reproduction in which a new organism _____ off of the _______ organism e.g. buds parent hydra, yeast bud Hydra Yeast
2. Regeneration = type of asexual reproduction in separate piece of the ________ organism can develop into a new _________ e.g. original offspring starfish, sponge
3. Binary Fission = type of asexual reproduction in which the parent ___________ splits in ___ and each half grows new ______ to become a complete __________ binary fission and the cell cycle with _______ are almost identical process because they both occur in a single cell and have identical __________ e.g. completely2 parts organism flatworm, amoeba, bacteria, paramecium mitosis outcomes
parent cell DNA duplicates cell begins to divide daughter cells
4. Sporulation = a type of asexual reproduction in fungi when _______ are produced and scatter to create new ___________ e.g. spores individuals bread mold, mosses, ferns
5. Vegetative Propagation = type of asexual reproduction in which new _______ grow from the stems, roots, or leaves of an _________ plant e.g. plants existing potato, strawberry
6. Parthenogenesis = type of asexual reproduction in which the female produces _____ that can develop into new offspring without ___________ e.g. eggs fertilization Daphnia