Mexico Begins To Have Trouble With Americans in Texas (Mexico).
Stephen F. Austin sold Texas land (Mexico) to Americans that was good and inexpensive. 1.How much did he sell the land for? 2. Name three good things about the land. 3.Where in Texas (Mexico) was the land located?
Fine Print… Very small print that is hard to see. 4. What were the three most important rules (fine print) if someone from the U.S. was going to buy land in Texas (Mexico). Hint: Think about rights, citizenship, and religion.
5.The land in Texas (Mexico) was so good and cheap, that the Americans bought almost all of it! (It sold out, Americans did not care about the “rules”)
-12.5 cents an acre -you lose your U.S. rights -pledge loyalty to Mexico 12.5 cents an acre that is cheap! I heard the land is good I don’t care about the rules!
6. When the Americans began to live in Texas (Mexico) they ignored the rules. Even though we bought land in Texas (Mexico) we still think of ourselves as Americans!
7. Mexican leaders became afraid that Texas was becoming too “American”. Uh oh!
8. Mexico sends one of their leaders, Manuel Mier y Teran, to see what could be done about all the Americans living in Texas. Last name pronounced: Meer ee Tear-ann
9. Mier y Teran found out that Americans outnumbered Mexicans in Texas 10 to 1! 10 to 1 !
10. Mier y Teran also found out that the Americans living in Texas (Mexico) thought of themselves as U.S. citizens— not as Mexican citizens.
We live in Texas, and Texas belongs to Mexico, so what!! We are still Americans!
11. Find the 3 things Mier y Teran recommended Mexico do, to help make Texas more like Mexico. p. 138 I recommend
12. Because of Mier y Teran’s recommendations Mexico came up with four rules called the: Law of April 6, 1830
13. Find the first two rules of the Law of April 6 th p
p. 139 –Collecting Taxes 14. Find the third rule of the Law of April 6 th,
p. 139 –Troops in Texas 15. The 4 th rule of the Law of April 6 th 1830— 4. Mexico will send more troops (soldiers) to Texas.