ECE 374: Computer Networks & Internet Introduction Spring 2012 Prof. Michael Zink
2 ECE Department Overview Logistics Course Requirements Reading Material Course Organization Web Site A few remarks on systems Systems Engineering INCOSE
3 ECE Department Logistics Schedule: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 12:20AM – 1:10PM Elab 323 Office hours: Thursday 4:00PM – 5:00PM, Good? Knowles Engineering Building 113B, Phone: ,
4 ECE Department Course Requirements E&C-ENG 122 (or CMPSCI 121) & E&C-ENG 242 (or CMPSCI 187)
5 ECE Department Reading Material Text: Computer Networking: A Top Down Approach Featuring the Internet, J. Kurose & K. Ross, Addison Wesley, 6th ed., 2012 Class notes
6 ECE Department Web Page Course web page: Write this information down!!! All information for this course is posted on this side: Schedule Office hours Class notes Assignments.. no hand outs in class!!
7 ECE Department Course Info Workload: * 25% each if you don’t take final! CourseworkAmount% Grade Written homework525% Lab assignments525% 1 st Midterm15% * 2 nd Midterm15% * Final20% Extra Credit10%
8 ECE Department Course Info ASK QUESTIONS!!!! Let us be interactive! Chime in if you have something interesting to add. Incomplete policy Academic honesty
9 ECE Department Exams Midterm 1: Monday, March 4th, 7-9pm (planned) Midterm 2: Friday, April 16th, 7-9pm (planned) Final: TBD
10 ECE Department Course Overview Part 1: Introduction (3 classes, text: Chapter 1) what is the Internet, What is a protocol? network edge, network core, network access physical media delay, loss, throughput in packet-switched networks protocol layers, service models Internet backbones, NAPs and ISPs brief history of networking, Internet
11 ECE Department A top-down Approach Networking will be covered top-down: end-system: applications, end-end transport network core: routing, hooking nets together link-level protocols: e.g., Ethernet other stuff: security, mobility, management
12 ECE Department Course Overview Part 2: Application Layer (4 classes, text: Ch. 2) principles of application-layer protocols World Wide Web: HTTP file transfer: FTP electronic mail in the Internet the Internet's directory service: DNS P2P: Skype socket programming
13 ECE Department Course Overview Part 3: Transport Layer (6 classes, text Ch. 3) Transport-layer services and principles Multiplexing and demultiplexing applications Connectionless transport: UDP Principles of reliable of data transfer TCP case study Principles of congestion control TCP congestion control
14 ECE Department Course Overview Part 4: Network Layer (5 classes, text: Ch. 4) introduction and network service model what’s inside a router? routing principles (algorithms) hierarchical routing IP: the Internet Protocol Internet routing: RIP, OSPF, BGP
15 ECE Department Course Overview Part 4: Network Layer (5 classes, text: Ch. 4) introduction and network service model what’s inside a router? routing principles (algorithms) hierarchical routing IP: the Internet Protocol Internet routing: RIP, OSPF, BGP
16 ECE Department Course Overview Part 5: Link Layer, LANs (4 classes, text: Ch. 5) introduction, services error detection, correction multiple access protocols, LANs LAN addresses, ARP Ethernet network as a link layer: MPLS a day in the life of a web request (synthesis)
17 ECE Department Course Overview Part 6: Wireless and Mobile Networks (3 classes, Ch 6) wireless link characteristics the wireless link: cellular Internet access mobility principles mobility in practice: mobile IP mobility in cellular networks
18 ECE Department Course Overview Part 7: Network Security (3 classes, text: Ch. 7) what is network security? principles of cryptography authentication: Who are you? integrity key distribution, certification firewalls attacks, countermeasures case studies: secure , SSL, IPsec,