Study Smart The idea is to study smarter not harder/longer!
Attend Classes Avoid (where at all possible) making appointments during the school day. The whole course is covered in class time…if you’re not there when will you cover it??
Know the exam layout Find out what’s on the syllabus. Referring back to this will allow you to see your progress while also helping to keep you in track. You must know the exam format, layout, marking system and expectations. Time per question in the exam.
Have a study plan Consistent Realistic (balance each subject) This is a two year course not 100m sprint. Repetition (practice makes perfect!) Extra work…have it graded/correct it yourselves/correct each others. Time yourself.
Study Area Same place all the time (helps to kick mind into gear). Distractions…phone off! Light Heat Chair
Short and often Do not try to overload your brain. Short study periods more effective than long; a) frequent repetition is the key to building your memory, b) if you leave a long period between study periods you may forget much of what you have studied.
Start on time Stop procrastinating Every minute counts…you will not get this year back again!
Study when wide awake Majority work most efficiently during daylight hours. 1hr in the day = 1.5hrs at night. Use your time wisely. You accomplish more when you are alert.
Set goals for each subject Why? Because you will accomplish more, faster if you set specific goals. Example; 30mins to read history text. If you start reading without a purpose you may only get 9 pages read, but if you set a target to get 15 pages read in the time you probably will.
Start assignments as soon as they are given. If you take nothing else away from this talk bar this then you will have learned a lot. Do not allow homework/study/tasks to build up. Deal with everything as it arises; that way you are less likely to get stressed out. The quality of all your work is important and needs attention.
Most difficult first You are most alert when you first sit down to study thus in better shape to tackle the tough stuff. You will feel better once it’s done. Helps you to avoid spending all of your time on easier/favourite subjects.
Review your notes regularly 1.Take good notes 2.Review them regularly (80% long term memory) 1 st review Same day ( reduce to key words) 2 nd review Later the same week 3 rd review 1 week later 4 th review 2-3 weeks later 5 th review Monthly
Take breaks 10mins for every 50mins study or 5mins for every 25mins study. Don’t study through breaks they rejuvenate you for the next session.
Vary your work Alternate between, reading, note taking, doing homework, doing exam questions, correcting, mind mapping etc. Do not allow yourself to become bored.
Problem solve When doing maths/science type work if you get stuck on a particular problem do not spend the rest of the night on it. Ask for help (someone at home, friend or ask the Teacher the next day). Do as much as you can around it.
Reward yourself Be nice to yourself! When you achieve a goal/target reward yourself. This system gives you an added incentive to reach your goals.
Keep on top of it Falling behind can happen for many reasons. If it happens to you, you may need to look at the following; 1.Improving your study skills 2.Look at your time management skills 3.Curb your social life for a while Whatever the problem might be there are people here to help you; Form Teacher, Subject Teachers Guidance Counsellor School Chaplain Learning Support Teacher