welcome to the virtual learning lab
Contact Me DAVID FORMANEK Virtual Lab Facilitator Viera High School phone:(321) ext I’m here to help your child succeed! If I can ever be of assistance to you, don’t hesitate to call or me.
Florida Virtual & Brevard Virtual Students take classes online, earning high school credit. Taking at least one online course through FLVS or BVS is a graduation requirement. Virtual instructors are Florida-certified professional educators. Student progress is tracked weekly through multiple channels: Discussion-Based Assessments w/virtual instructor Accountability Check w/lab facilitator (one-on-one) Completion tracking (by period) Weekly Progress Reports, printed and signed by parent and student. We are waiting on approval for a classroom printer!
BVS & FLVS – What’s the difference? Brevard Virtual School (BVS) Franchise of FLVS Offers many FLVS courses w/additional courses only offered through BVS. Taught by locally-based BPS teachers. Seats in courses are only available to Brevard students. Florida Virtual School (FLVS) State virtual school Many courses offered – some exclusive to FLVS. Teachers are employed by FLVS and live throughout Florida Serves all students in Florida, K-12
Class Policies & Procedures Students may use their cell phones to call or text teachers during class time. This process is controlled. Students enter the lab quietly, grab some hand-sanitizer, log-in and immediately begin working on their assignments independently, and at their own pace. They must maintain Adequate Weekly Progress (3-5 assignments per week) and communicate with virtual teachers (minimum one call every 2 weeks) to remain actively enrolled in their course. A mandatory welcome call, welcome video and welcome assessment must be completed within two weeks of starting a new course. Grades are posted by virtual instructors on Edline.
How Can I Keep Track of my Child’s Progress? Parents are encouraged to register for a parent/guardian account by vising the following website: This account will allow you to monitor your child’s progress in BVS and FLVS courses at all times.
One final note … Your child is expected to follow the BVS/FLVS Student Code of Conduct and Academic Integrity Pledge. All students and parents are required to sign and agree to the Academic Integrity Pledge. The Pledge states that all work submitted by your child, for their class, must be their own original work. If an outside source is used (i.e. to complete a research paper), the student must include the appropriate citation, notating the source of information (website, magazine, book). Cheating and/or plagiarizing of any type (term papers, tests, quizzes, etc.) will not be tolerated, and may result in academic withdrawal from course.