Target audience Instructional objectives Instructional use Strengths and weaknesses Screen Shots Demo
Target Audience The target audience for the conflict map would be middle school age children. The signifiers are : the simple color scheme lets an observer know that older people would see the game as dull and the lack there of amount of interaction could keep a middle school student attention as appose to elementary school student.
Instructional Objectives Students will learn about : Basic map make up (keys, scales, different coloring, and etc) Nobel peace winners and the amount of nominations in across the globe. Wars across the globe ranging from Tracking regions and their different conflicts
Instructional Use The game would be used as a study tool because it is so basic. Ideally this game would be used to complement the in class Jeopardy that would be hooked up to projector so we could read the answers as they would be answered. This game could be used when we discuss Nobel peace prize winners and wars.
Strengths and Weaknesses Strengths The amount of information. Noble peace Prize winner, dates of wars, the different kinds of wars and etc are just a few. The game is easy to pick up and learn. The simple controls and no rules make the game a game for all. Weaknesses There is no way to win so this game at its best either could not be played classes or it only compliment an entire different game. Since you can not show progress it is hard keep people paying attention.
Screen Shot
Demo The link onflictmap/conflictmap.html onflictmap/conflictmap.html