Particle Physics groups of 3 persons... Masterclasses Particle Physics - 19 th of March 2005
✗ 3 series of 8 questions ✗ 30 seconds per question ✗ multiple choice ✗ always 1 good answer ✗ the winning team gets a prize! (each member of the team) Rules of the Game
Prize: M. Veltman (nobelprice winner) “Facts and Mysteries in Elementary Particle Physics”
Series I
Question 1: which particle has not been discovered yet? a. the top quark b. the tau lepton c. the Higgs boson d. the pion
Question 2: up to what energy do we expect protons to be accelerated in the LHC? a. 1 TeV b. 3 GJ c. 7 TeV d. 14 TeV
Question 3: which particle is massless? a. the Higgs-particle b. the up-quark c. the electron d. the photon
Question 4: who invented the cloud chamber? a. Compton b. Wilson c. Rutherford d. Chadwick
Question 5: how is the bottom quark also called? a. charm quark b. bubble quark c. bilou quark d. beauty quark
Question 6: what does PM mean in the framework of particle detection? a. proton multiplexer b. phase modulator c. post modernism d. photo multiplier
Question 7: how old is the universe according to the latest meaurements? a x 10 6 y b. 3.0 x 10 8 y c x 10 9 y d x 10 9 y
Question 8: which is not or was not a particle physics experiment? a. GARGAMELLE b. ALADDIN c. BELLE d. BABAR
Series II
Question 9: which force is not described by the Standard Model? a. electromagnetism b. the weak force c. the strong force d. gravitation
a)c) b)d) Question 10: which interaction is impossible in the Standard Model? photon Z Z W+W+ W-W- Z Z H Z Z W+W+ W-W-
Question 11: which of the following is the most massive object? a. Z-particle b. a silver atom c. W-particle d. top-quark
Question 12: what is measured with a calorimeter? a. energy b. momentum c. charge d. mass
Question 13: what is not a consequence of electromagnetism? a. friction b. viscosity c. radioactivity d. molecule formation
Question 14: which of the following is no LHC experiment a. ATLAS b. LHCb c. ALICE d. ALEPH
Question 15: what is the weakest fundamental force? a. electromagnetism b. weak force c. strong force d. gravity
Question 16: when is the startup of LHC foreseen? a b c d. within five years
Series III
Question 17: how many gluons can be distinguished? a. 1 b. 3 c. 8 d. 13
Question 18: who discovered cosmic rays? a. Hess b. Auger c. Galilei d. Hubble
Question 19: which of the following particles is not a boson? a. the photon b. the gluon c. the muon d. the Higgs-particle
Question 20: how fast should a particle travel to emit Cerenkov light? a. faster than the speed of light in vacuum b. as fast as the speed of light in vacuum c. faster than the speed of light in the medium d. as fast as the speed of light in the medium
Question 21: how large is the decay time of the proton? a. 1 microsecond b. 1 second c. > years d. infinite
Question 22: how much data will need to be stored and processed for 10 years of LHC running? a GB b GB c GB d GB
Question 23: which decay has the largest probability ? a. Z 0 e + e - b. Z 0 + - Z 0 + - all three have equal probability
Question 24: what happened before the Big Bang ? a. we don't know b. the previous universe collapsed c. there were many small universes d. Einstein was playing cards
Open Question
How large is the current cost estimate of the LHC? (in Million EURO)