The Five Themes of Geography
Location Relative location –In reference to some other place Absolute location –Exact location –Latitude and Longitude
Place Defined by: –Physical Characteristics Landforms, bodies of water, vegetation –Human or Cultural Characteristics Ethnic background, language, religion, type of government, architecture, occupation, type of clothing
Place-cont. Can be changed slowly or very quickly Push and pull factors –Reasons people migrate to or from one place Push factors –War, poverty, overcrowding, natural disasters, lack of opportunities Pull factors –More opportunities, climate, family, affordable housing
Movement Transferring from one place to another Involves 3 things: –People Car, bus, train, plane, skateboard –Goods Truck, boat, plane –Ideas Phone, computer, satellite
Human Environmental Interaction The way people and the environment interact with one another –Positive Rain helps farmers grow crops, recycling, planting trees when cut down –Negative Littering, cutting down trees and not replanting, forest fires
Region Area with similar physical or cultural characteristics More than one place –Northern Europe, Southeast U.S., Appalachian Mountains, Little Havana, Chinatown