Characteristics of a Scientific Model A theory or model helps us to interpret or explain the unknown in terms of the known. It correlates many seemingly separate facts into a more easily grasped structure of thought. It often enables predictions to be made about phenomena that have not yet been discovered or observed. It usually has a small number of plausible, basic assumptions, or hypotheses. It is flexible enough to undergo modification when necessary, as new information is observed. A scientific model is NOT the absolute truth, but rather a means to explain facts.
Experimental Aspects of the Scientific Method n Variables are the conditions of the experiment - a dependent variable affects results, while an independent variable has no effect. n A planned, controlled experiment carefully monitors all significant variables. n A control is a parallel experiment which differs in only one condition from the experiment being performed. n A well-developed experiment should involve a large number of samples or trials. n Conclusions from a controlled experiment should be limited to the data of the experiment. Observations provide the facts: the hypothesis is an educated guess formed from previous or known facts; this may become a theory if enough facts seem to support it. A fact is simply a statement of the result of an experiment that has been performed many times.