Spreading the Good News of Jesus Acts 17:1-18:22 1. Where? We see Paul going to:- We see Paul going to:- a. Key cities a. Key cities b. All groups of people b. All groups of people 1. Jews – 17:1,2,10,17; 18:4 1. Jews – 17:1,2,10,17; 18:4 2. General public – 17:17; 18:7,8 2. General public – 17:17; 18:7,8 3. Influential leaders – 17:19 3. Influential leaders – 17:19
2. What? a. The truth about people – 17: People are religious 1. People are religious 2. People are made for God 2. People are made for God b. The truth about God – 17: He is the Creator – v He is the Creator – v He sustains & rules – v.25,26 2. He sustains & rules – v.25,26 3. He is the judge – v.30,31 3. He is the judge – v.30,31 4. He is the Saviour – 17:3,18,31; 18:5 4. He is the Saviour – 17:3,18,31; 18:5
3. How? a. Announcing what God has done – 17:3,13 cf.Acts 1:8; Rom.1:14,15 b. Explaining, reasoning & proving – 17:2,3,17; 18:4 cf. Lk.24:32; 2Cor.10:4,5 c. Persuading people to believe in Christ – 17:4,12,34; 18:8
4. Why? 1. A love for God – 17:6 2. A love for people – Rom.9:2,3; 10:1; 1Cor.9:19-23
5. Therefore! a. Have you trusted in Christ? b. How does your life display God’s life? c. In what ways can we share the Good News of Jesus?