Serves as the State Agency (SA’s) central point of contact for service to VR&E participants. The ISC will facilitate the dissemination of information to, and compile information from, DVOP specialists and other SA staff who serve Chapter 31 participants. The ISC serves as the coordination point to communicate information between VR&E staff and the Director of Veterans Employment and Training (DVET). The ISC may also report to the State Veterans Coordinator and may have case management responsibilities. Intensive Services Coordinator (ISC)
Whitney Gray Intensive Services Coordinator Sunrise Leo Davis Intensive Services Coordinator Jacksonville Toni Washington Intensive Services Coordinator St Petersburg Alexia Lunningham Intensive Services Coordinator Orlando Roland Williams Intensive Services Coordinator Ft Walton Beach Rachel Cain Intensive Services Coordinator Pensacola Intensive Service Coordinators (ISC) Florida DEO
Tuesdays & Thursdays Every Week (except holidays) Scheduled 4-6 weeks in advance Orientation Veterans Employment Center State of Florida Vocational Rehab WIA/WIOA CareerSource Centers and location DVOPs “Priority of Service”, Veterans and Eligible Spouses Apprenticeship Programs Employment Referrals Employment Workshops: Resume writing, interview techniques, Job Applications& Computer skills Employment Services Available through CareerSource Centers Intensive Services Coordinator (ISC)
DVOPs or SA staff members who work with Chapter 31 Veterans will: Assist Chapter 31 Veterans; If no DVOP assigned, other SA staff will Assist Provide detailed LMI information to use in developing the Individual Written Rehabilitation Plan (IWRP) Use the Individual Employment Assistance Plan (IEAP) to help find suitable employment Ensure all Chapter 31 Veterans are registered in the SA electronic system and enter all services provided Chapter 31
Every Chapter 31 Veteran, actively seeking work and registered within EFM, will have a service and case note entered once every two weeks Job development and placement assistance services are mandatory Contacts with individual employers will be made to secure job or OJT opportunities suitable with the participant’s rehabilitation goal(s) all contacts will be recorded in his/her respective case file When a Chapter 31 Veteran obtains employment, the ISC will ensure the appropriate information is entered on the VETS 201, including employment date, employer name, job title and entry hourly wage Chapter 31 (Continued)
The ISC will provide the VETS 201 report to the appropriate VR&E staff for review and validation on a quarterly basis Upon confirmation that the employment is suitable, the Veteran will be monitored for at least 60 days to determine whether a Veteran can be considered “rehabilitated.” The Veteran record on the VETS 201 report will be monitored until closed as determined by VR&E, VETS and the ISC When a Chapter 31 Veteran fails to cooperate or participate in his/her employment activities, that information will be reported to the ISC in order to notify VR&E staff and a decision can be made regarding case closure. This information will be recorded on the VETS 201 report and EFM Chapter 31 (Continued)
Orientation Applicants Flow Data
Monthly Status Reports from CareerSource Center (Example)
Column A: VARO: Three-digit code for VA Regional Office Column B: Last Name: Column C: First Name: Column D: ID Number: Last four digits of SSN Column E: Carry-in: Carried in from Last Year: enter "Y" Column F: OEF/OIF: Operation Enduring Freedom/Iraqi Freedom
Column G: Other Program Column H: VRC/EC Column I: Employment Goal Column J: Date Referred to SA Column K: DVOP/SA Assigned Column L: Date 1 st Service Provided by SA After the Referral
Column M: # Days Referral to Registration Column N: Date Entered Suitable Employment Column O: EmployerColumn P: Job Title Column Q: Hourly WageColumn R: Number of Days Registration to Employment Column S: Monitored for 60 Column T: Date Case Closed days after Employment (Y/N)
Column U: Closure Reason D = Discontinued E = Satisfied with unsuitable employment I = InterruptL = Initial Labor Market Information (LMI) R = RehabilitatedS = School / Continuing Education O = Other
Column V: Notes and Comments Enter information applicable to the Veteran’s employment assistance process. Should give clear statements on what has happened, good or bad, success story, even why no longer on SA case load.