Joint California Energy Commission and California Public Utilities Commission Bulk Storage Workshop November 20, 2015 Kelly Rodgers Energy Program Manager
2 San Diego County Water AuthoritySan Diego County Water Authority Wholesale water agency created by State Legislature in 1944 24 member agencies 36-member board of directors Serves 3.2 million people and region’s $218 billion economy Service area 950,000 acres 97% of county’s population Imports up to 90% of water used in San Diego County Builds, owns, operates and maintains regional water infrastructure Largest member agency of Metropolitan Water District of Southern California
Lake Hodges Pumped Storage FacilityLake Hodges Pumped Storage Facility 3 LocationEscondido, CA CommissionedSeptember 2012 Upper Reservoir (Water Authority owned) Olivenhain Reservoir (24,000 acre-feet) Lower Reservoir (City of San Diego owned) Lake Hodges (33,500 acre-feet) Installed Capacity Two VFD Units (28,000 HP each) 40 MW Generating 41.4 MW Pumping
4 Growing Need for FlexibilityGrowing Need for Flexibility Source: CAISO Website
5 Output in kWH
6 CAISO Curtailment ForecastCAISO Curtailment Forecast Source: CAISO Website
Can use excess renewable energy during periods of overgeneration Avoids curtailment and contributes to renewable energy percentage Non-greenhouse gas energy source can be used later as solar and wind come off line Highly flexible energy Water-energy nexus – water rate stabilization 7 Benefits of Pumped StorageBenefits of Pumped Storage Source: CAISO Website