Bacteria Vocabulary
Kingdom Bacteria:
Kingdom Bacteria: Eubacteria: Bacteria humans have known about the longest. They are the common ones that cause diseases we a re familiar with.
Kingdom Bacteria: Eubacteria: Bacteria humans have known about the longest. They are the common ones that cause diseases we a re familiar with. Archaebacteria:
Kingdom Bacteria: Eubacteria: Bacteria humans have known about the longest. They are the common ones that cause diseases we a re familiar with. Archaebacteria: The oldest bacteria. They are found in extreme conditions like hot springs and thermal vents in the ocean.
Resistant: Withstand the force of something.
1 st line of defense:
1 st line of defense: skin, mucus, stomach acid, tears, saliva
2 nd line of defense:
1 st line of defense: skin, mucus, stomach acid, tears, saliva 2 nd line of defense: white blood cells, antibodies, immune system
1 st line of defense: skin, mucus, stomach acid, tears, saliva 2 nd line of defense: white blood cells, antibodies, immune system 3 rd line of defense:
1 st line of defense: skin, mucus, stomach acid, tears, saliva 2 nd line of defense: white blood cells, antibodies, immune system 3 rd line of defense: doctor prescribes antibiotics