THE LAYERS OF THE EARTH January 26, 2016
Goal: Today we will… 1. Learn how geologists know about the earth’s interior 2. Learn the 4 layers of the earth Tomorrow we will… 1. Learn about 3 layers of the mantle Later we will… 1. Draw and label a picture of the layers of the earth
What we learned before Soil: The bottom layer of soil is solid bedrock Rocks: Igneous rocks are formed from volcanoes Metamorphic rocks are formed from heat and pressure Sedimentary rocks are formed from pieces of rocks being cemented together All rocks are made up of minerals
How Geologists Use Rocks to Get Information 1. Geologists drill into the earth Geologists drilled 7.6 miles into the ground and brought up rock samples These rock samples help geologists learn about the rocks underneath the earth’s surface 2. Geologists examine volcano rocks Rocks that come from volcanoes are formed within the earth’s interior and are blasted onto earth
Vocabulary Focus on the following vocabulary words. Write their definitions at the top of your paper: 1. Interior 2. Pressure 3. Crust 4. Mantle 5. Core 6. Basalt 7. Granite
The Earth’s Interior The earth’s interior is what is underneath the earth; the part that we cannot see with our own eyes There are 4 main layers of the earth: - Crust - Mantle - Inner Core - Outer Core
What is the same about all of the layers? Pressure Pressure is the force pressing on an area The further down in the layers, the greater the pressure The inner core has more pressing down on it than the crust does Temperature The temperature inside the earth increases as the layers get deeper The earth’s interior is made up of rocks. As the layers get deeper, the rocks get hotter.
Crust The layer of rock that forms Earth’s outer skin (what we are all on!) Includes both dry land and the ocean Made up of mostly oxygen and silicon Is 3-25 miles thick The thinnest layer of the earth
Oceanic Crust Crust that lies beneath the ocean (the bottom of the ocean or the ocean floor) Made up of basalt- a dark, fine-grained igneous rock
Continental Crust Crust that makes up the continents and land we stand and walk on Mostly made up of granite- a light colored igneous rock with coarse grains Is made up of many other rocks, too
Mantle Layer beneath the earth’s crust made up of hot, solid rock Thickest layer: 1,864 miles thick Divided into 3 main layers: lithosphere, asthenosphere, and mesosphere
Outer Core Third layer that is 1,403 miles thick A liquid layer of molten metal that surrounds the inner core Made of iron and nickel
Inner Core Most inner layer of the earth A dense, solid ball of metal Made of iron and nickel Its radius is 759 miles
Review Questions: 1. What is the earth’s interior? 2. What are the 4 main layers of the earth? 3. As the layers get deeper, the ____________ increases. 4. The temperature gets __________ at the layers get deeper 5. The __________ is the thinnest layer 6. The ______________ is the thickest layer 7. The _____________________ is a liquid layer of molten metal 8. The __________________ is a solid, dense ball of metal
Science Do Now Silently & Independently Answer the following questions on the back of your homework 1. What are the 4 layers of the earth? 2. Which layer are we currently on? 3. Which layer is the thickest? 4. Which layer is an inner ball of molten metal?
Review There are 4 layers of the earth: 1. Crust 2. Mantle 3. Outer Core 4. Inner Core
Mantle- Review The mantle is the second layer of the earth Made up of thick, hot, solid rock It is the thickest layer, so it is divided up into 3 parts
Lithosphere Upper layer of the mantle & the crust Made up of brittle rock, like the rock of the crust 62 miles thick Plate tectonics are located here
Asthenosphere Second layer of mantle Made of soft, hot rock Has more pressure This layer can bend and more since it is not hard rock, but it is still solid Softer than Lithosphere, but still hard
Mesosphere The third layer of the mantle Is hotter and has a higher pressure than the asthenosphere Includes the Transition Zone region Thickest layer of the mantle
Review Questions 1. What are the 4 main layers of the earth? 2. What are the 3 layers of the mantle? 3. Which layer of the mantle includes the crust and upper mantle? 4. Which layer includes plate tectonics? 5. Which layer includes the middle of the mantle? 6. Which layer is the thickest one in the mantle? 7. Which layer of the earth is a solid ball of metal? 8. Which layer of the earth is a liquid layer of metal?