The Habitable Zone General concept referring to a region of space where conditions are sufficient to initiate life
Extremophiles – Life is found on Earth in environments not previously thought to contain life.
Antarctic endoliths are extremophile life forms. They have adapted to the most severe conditions no other life can handle
Our Solar System – A brief tour…
The Spider Radial Troughs within Caloris Basin
Meteor Crater, located in northern Arizona on the North American continent, is one of the most recent and well-preserved impact crater sites on Earth. (Image Credit: Michael Ramsey)
“Just like an eagle can fly into the Grand Canyon, my vision was for the visitors to walk the path of the eagle, and become surrounded by the Grand Canyon…My dream was to find a balance between form, function and nature.” –David Jin, Hualapai Tribe
Olympus MonsOlympus Mons
Valles Marineris
Water?, maybe… so what??
Before and after images of a trench on Mars dug by NASA’s Phoenix lander. The possible ice can be seen in the bottom-left of the trench in the photo on the left, but not in the photo on the right, which was taken four Martian days later.
Asteroid Belt Deimos
The Asteroid Belt Ceres
Io 4 Galilean moons of Jupiter
Mysterious storms at Saturn’s poles
Above Titan’s surface
Triton Ice volcanoes Thin atmosphere
Pluto and Charon
Kuiper Belt Kuiper belt – belt of icy, rocky dusty material leftover from the formation of the solar system. Most comets originate from this broad region past the orbit of Neptune reaching farther than 55 AU from the Sun.
Oort Cloud - it is theorized that our solar system is surrounded by debris at the gravitational extent of our solar system. The oort cloud is rumored to be 50,000 AU to a light year in distance, making it ¼ of the distance to the nearest star, Alpha Centauri.