10 Tips for Living Life in Color Live YOUR Life in Color
The Great Transformation Living Life in Color is the move from life as it once was, the move from the tedious day-to-day routines and/or the out of control roller coaster ride of emotional ups and downs—to the challenging yet fulfilling way of life known as personal growth and fulfillment. Making the transition requires a change of focus—a leap from a dingy world of black, white, and gray into the unknown bright, 3-D, world of pulsating color. Whoa. How do I get on thatride?!?
Embrace Change Life itself leads us to this pallet of color. I find that life always brings us just what we need and at just the right time. Whatever challenge is before you right now is just what you’ve been asking for (now there’s a scary thought!) to bring you the shifts and changes your heart desires. To read more please visit:
Still Looking? Sometimes it’s hard to make the leap from black, white, and gray, to color. Here are a few practices to incorporate into daily life to bring the color back in. 1.Add play. Play lifts stress from our shoulders, refreshes, recharges, and restores optimism. Silly antics tell our serious Inner Critic that we have better things to do than listen to it. Skip rope, fly a kite, finger paint, grab the hand of a friend and run through the sprinkler. To read more please visit: life-color/ life-color/