1-1 Bellringer How are you affected by different cultures? Give 3 examples.
SECTION 1 THE AMERICAN INDIANS Chapter 1 Many Cultures Meet Prehistory-1550
The First People of the Americas 1 st Humans to live in Americas- Paleo-Indians 2 Theories 1. Crossed a land bridge during ice 15,000 Years Ago 2. Migrated- from Asia as many as 40,000 Years Ago Paleo-Indians were hunters and gathers Adapted to changing environment and developed their survival techniques Adapting to their environment causes cultural diversity
The First People of the Americas Examples of Cultural Diversity By American Indians spoke 375 distinct languages Language groups divided into many ethnic groups called Tribes Tribes divided into smaller villages Groups headed by Chief and Council of Elders
The First People of the Americas Agriculture Emerges People Domesticate wild plants Maize (corn), squash and beans developed in central Mexico Steady Food Supply=larger permanent villages Mayas and Aztecs 2 powerful groups in Mexico By A.D plant domestication spreads to America
The First People of the Americas Early American Indians by Region Southwest-1 st farming villages emerge here; Houses made of Adobe; build multi- story buildings known as pueblos; today known as Pueblo Peoples Mississippi River Valley- 1 st group called Mississippians; influenced by cultures of Mexico; built large towns around central place with pyramids made of earth; temples at top of pyramid for chiefs (Moundville Alabama) Great Plains-Mississippians move westward to this area; bison (buffalo) located here; hunters would build tepees using bison hides and wooden frames Eastern Woodlands-East Texas to Atlantic Ocean (Southeast); Cherokees were largest group; had long growing season; types of housing was chief difference between the different groups of people Iroquois League- loose confederation of the 5 groups of Iroquois; promoted peace among the 5 groups
The First People of the Americas Common Features No centralized nations (political power spread out) Everything has a spirit (plant, animal, etc) Indians owned little property (land saw as common ground)