Blog-based applications and health information: Two case studies that illustrate important questions for Consumer Health Informatics (CHI) research Samantha A. Adams
Introduction web 2.0 give web users easy avenues to produce/publish and exchange information, experiences, opinions, etc. web 2.0 give web users easy avenues to produce/publish and exchange information, experiences, opinions, etc. Little attention has been devoted to understanding different types of weblogs and how they are being used by the lay public for health-related purposes. Little attention has been devoted to understanding different types of weblogs and how they are being used by the lay public for health-related purposes.
Methods Case review Case review A losing weight website a. Allow users to communicate through discussion boards, chat groups, or instant messaging and through a comment function that allows readers to post-response. b. Data about their daily food intake and exercise, weight, fat percentage, BMI, and physical measurements using push button publishing. c. Data entries are repackaged in helpful charts and graphs that track progress over time, while journal provides a compendium for understanding the trends reflected in the graphics.
A rare diseases website a. Offer patients opportunities to contact one another and exchange information. b. With an easy use interface would potentially enable patient to have more insight into their own situation, while also having a basis of comparison with others. c. Aggregated data can be used for population-based research purposes and as input for policy change.
Discuss The ability of the collective to correct mistakes has been called into question specifically for health-related information. The ability of the collective to correct mistakes has been called into question specifically for health-related information. Organizations also using web2.0 to aggregate information about patient experiences and use this information for greater purposes. Organizations also using web2.0 to aggregate information about patient experiences and use this information for greater purposes.
Conclusion The uniqueness of blogging applications is found in the blending of many different tools together in a single interface where information creation, retrieval and management are not only made easier, but also combined with interactive communication with both peer and expert contacts. The uniqueness of blogging applications is found in the blending of many different tools together in a single interface where information creation, retrieval and management are not only made easier, but also combined with interactive communication with both peer and expert contacts. Enabling patients to be more active in documenting and managing information related to their health experiences, which can be used for a variety of different purposes. Enabling patients to be more active in documenting and managing information related to their health experiences, which can be used for a variety of different purposes.