LONELYPLANET Lonelyplanet is a reviews/ travel social media. It is the largest travel guide book publisher in the world. Helps people travel with low costs and shows tourists where the best place to visit will be.
HOMERUN Homerun is a social couponing system. Homerun encourages users to connect their Facebook accounts and shows which of their friends are also on the site. It has built out profiles that show which members have purchased which deals. Giving the site real-world identity makes users more engaged through things like peer pressure and trusted recommendations.
ALLTOP Alltop is a social search engine/news. The purpose of Alltop is to help answer the question “what’s happening?” Alltop is a search engine that answers the question “what’s happening?” in any different kind of subject ranging from what’s happening in china to what’s happening to your local zoo.
SK TELECOM Sk Telecom competitors are Olleh KT and LG Telecom. Sk telecom uses Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for social Media. Kt uses only Facebook and Twitter.
SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS Samsung electronics competitors are apple and LG. Samsung uses Facebook and Twitter for social media purposes. LG has more social media. LG uses Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and eNewsletter.
NIKE Nike’s competitors are adidas and reebok. Nike uses twitter and Facebook for social media. For adidas I couldn’t find any social media on the website of adidas.
BEST BUY Best buy’s competitors are mostly Walmart and future shop. Best buy uses Twitter, YouTube, and ideax for social media.
COCA COLA The competitor for Coca-Cola is Pepsi. Coca-Cola has Halloween ads on their website to draw attention. Coca-Cola uses Twitter and YouTube for social media. Pepsi uses Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.