Worldwide scale global barcelona A special task on a special site
Topography + climatic sea climatic mountains hills river borders 40 C° - 10 C° ws Hiding from the sun brake the line
scale rich cityparts standard poor There is a lack of economic integration
scale developing new townships new old The result is the new center
scale the site and the spider new old The result is the new centre
scale the site 2050 The result is the new centre
external internal anchor theatre catalan forum bullfighting arena fleemarket torres shopping schooltrainstation airport habour anchors stabilises the position
planes boat cars metro bike train pedestrian bus tram mobillity triple used streets
present future? residential mc Residential mc industry business 1 f commercial station 1 f commercial Residential hc residential mc Residential mc business 2 f commercial station 1 f commercial Residential hc Residential mc Residential hc business 1 f commercial Residential hc Residential mc Economic aspects The site will be upgraded by introducing new residential classes
present future ? cultural aspects school theatre station school theatre station theatre design museum school multicultural society The site will be upgraded by introducing new cultural icons
contacts integration services the aim shout be to create an environment of social control present future? social aspects
welcome home generation home adaptive home identifying home the aim shout be to create an environment of social control manifest Housing 21
Design Transparency through the project SOCIAL CONTROL Hosting different identities and several generations Adapting to new family structures housing 21
Scale communicationcommunication Environment OrientatedHouse Urban Skyline Growing Dens(C)ity Interaction
Climat SUN+ Greenery Participation SELF MADE JUNKIES A green and self-made environment should be introduced production Housing 21 sustainability
Users: SATISFACTION by IDENTIFICATION … safety, shelter, home feeling, … Community: communication Architects: SPACE PROVIDER [+………………….] what do you think ? Reactivate the architects position agents Housing 21
Home feeling NETWORK Spider SNAKE Sew&Stitch Point of view image Housing 21
Proposal Mutation drive-by … to … central-trans-city point A visual center point in the city, without the character of it. An effective center point as a new heart for the area/city. Seen as a connection point where housing takes place in a constant flux
Proposal connection with the hst station Sagrera Car Park for Incoming/outgoing Improving the current situation Cyclist/Pedestrian space Mobility HST station GLORIES + =
People open minds Citizens vs. City users Business Students Locals Foreigners Old/Young Proposal