Bedok South Secondary School A value-added quality school Briefing for students eligible for Polytechnic Foundation Programme(PFP) Bedok South Secondary School A value-added quality school
Criteria for Poly Foundation Programme (PFP) For N(A) students who are academically strong and clearly polytechnic bound ELMAB3 ≤11, with a minimum grade of 3 in EL and MA Only for 4NA students, not for Sec 4 Exp and 5NA students For the list of PFP courses, please refer here.
Computation of ELMAB3 Combinations to compute ELMAB3: a) GCE N(A)-level results only Firm offer by 24 Dec 12 (9 am) b) GCE N(A)-level + Prelim O-level results Conditional offer by 24 Dec 12 (9 am), firm offer after GCE “O” release on 16 Jan 13 (2pm) tentatively c) GCE N(A)-level + GCE O-level results Firm offer after GCE “O” release (i.e. only invited after GCE “O”) Students offering duplicate subjects at both N- & O-levels: ELMAB3 computation for PFP will take the better grade
Conditional Offers for PFP Students who offer a mix of N- and O-level subjects can be given conditional offers to PFP/DPP based on N-level actual results and O-level prelim results Students who accept firm/conditional offers will not be enrolled into Sec 5 Students whose conditional offers are withdrawn after the release of O-level results will be admitted to Sec 5.
How do I apply for the PFP Eligible students will receive a form with a PIN upon release of N-level results They should use PIN to log on to PFP/DPP website to create an account A password will then be emailed to them for online application for PFP/DPP PFP: application phase from 17 Dec – 19 Dec 12 (4 pm) DPP: application phase from 17 Dec – 20 Dec 12 (5pm)
PFP Operational Timeline: Dec’12 – Jan’13 Official release of GCE ‘O’-results (tentative) Official release of GCE ‘N’-results 17 Dec (Mon) 10 Jan (Thu) Students who were unsuccessful or rejected PFP to return to 5N Polys notify applicants on outcome to Conditional Offers & appeals Release of posting results to students Release of Firm/ Conditional Offers Online Application Phase (Round 1) Online Application Phase (Round 2) Acceptance Phase Acceptance Phase 17 Dec (Mon) 2 pm 19 Dec (Wed) 4 pm 24 Dec (Mon) 9 am 26 Dec (Wed) 4pm 10 Jan (Thu) 12 Jan (Sat) 16 Jan (Wed) 2pm 18 Jan (Fri) 4 pm 21 Jan (Mon)
Can Sec 4NA students who have sat for a mix of 'O'-Level and 'N'-Level subjects apply using their GCE 'O'-Level results? Yes. Upon release of the GCE 'O'-Level results, newly-eligible students who were previously ineligible based on their school-based 'O'-Level preliminary examination results will be invited to apply for the PFP. Students who rejected the offer of a PFP place prior to release of the GCE 'O'-Level results will not be allowed to reapply.
Can I appeal for a change of course for PFP? You may only appeal for a change of course if you have been offered a PFP course that was not among your five choices. You need to first accept the offer and then submit your appeal online at the end of the January application phase. However, if your appeal is unsuccessful, you will be required to enrol in the course that you accepted and will not be allowed to return to Secondary 5. Hence, you should only choose to accept an offer if you are prepared to enrol in the course that was offered to you. Appeals should be submitted online 16 – 18 January application phase. All other appeals will not be considered. Students whose PFP applications are still unsuccessful after the round of appeals are required to report back to their schools to commence Secondary 5.
On PFP Appeals Successful Unsuccessful Dec 2012 PFP Applicants On PFP Appeals Dec 2012 PFP Applicants [Aggregate ELMAB3<=11 (including school-based Prelim results), meets subject-based MERs for at least one PFP course] Firm Offer Conditional Offer Applied but Unposted Proceed to Sec 5 Able to participate again in Jan Applications to try to get into PFP OR System-offer Manual-offer System-offer Manual-offer Reject Accept Accept Reject Reject Accept Accept Reject Does not meet MER Does not meet MER O-level Results O-level Results Able to appeal* after Jan Admissions Exercise Attains MER Attains MER Proceed to Sec 5 Proceed to PFP Able to appeal* after Jan Admissions Exercise Proceed to Sec 5 Proceed to Sec 5 Proceed to PFP Proceed to Sec 5 Successful Unsuccessful Proceed to New PFP Proceed to original PFP Proceed to PFP *: Subject to availability of vacancies MER: minimum entry requirements
How are students assessed during the PFP? The PFP assessment structure will thus comprise a mix of -coursework assignments, projects, class tests and/or end-of-semester examinations. Upon passing all their PFP modules, students will be admitted to the first year of their pre-selected polytechnic courses.
What happens when students discontinue or fail the PFP? Students who discontinue or fail the PFP may apply for admission to ITE's Higher Nitec programmes. pursue their GCE 'O'-Level examinations as a private candidates, or approach their secondary schools for re-admission in January the following year. Students are not allowed to repeat the PFP. They are encouraged to remain committed to the PFP and progress to their diploma programmes upon successful completion of the PFP.
Will the PFP be recognised at the workplace? PFP students will be issued a certificate by their respective polytechnics upon successful completion of the PFP, but it is not a course that leads to a qualification for employment. Upon successful completion of the PFP, students are expected to matriculate into their pre-selected polytechnic courses to obtain their diploma qualifications.
Think before you act… Choose your choice wisely Know your strength & abilities Your future lies in your hands, do not follow your friends blindly
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