Walk Squats stand with back against the wall and legs approx. 1-1 ½ feet from the base of the wall slide back down the wall until knees are bent in a 90 degree angle hold this “squatting” position for 30 seconds at a time STOP this activity if pain is present
Jumping Jacks-Jills
Sit-ups & Push-ups
“Burpies” stand up straight squat down, place hands on the ground should width apart at the same time, kick feet backwards keeping both feet together into a push-up position from the push-up position pull feet up to chest and jump straight up
Peg Board
Flexibility be sure not to bounce record down each stretch STOP is pain is present
Vertical Jump
“Squeeze Test”
Warm-Up 3-4 jogging laps (2-3 min) Full body Stretches (5-7 min) : neck, arms, shoulders, legs (quadriceps, hamstrings, calve muscles) 2 logging laps and 1 sprinting lap (2-3 min) Warm-up should last approx minutes
Cool-Down 2 laps walking (2-3 min) While you are doing your cool-down laps it is ok to gently stretch out shoulder area, arms, and legs Stationary stretches: arms, legs, neck, shoulders, etc… (3-5 min) Cool-Down should last approx. 5-7 min