Colonial Tradesmen Colin Gadonniex
Colonial Carpenters Carpenters was an important job They built furniture and homes Some tools a carpenter used were hammers or chisels A carpenter worked in its own shop or went to other homes to build on. We still have carpenters today
Colonial Coopers Coopers built barrels They used hammers,nails,wood and metal They used the metal to keep its shape and the wood for its container itself.
Colonial Farmers The whole family helped They used carts to move the crops easily They traded crops for cloth or other items Some farms were called, ‘’family farms’’. Every body on the farm helped.
Colonial Blacksmiths Blacksmiths made iron or metal They used metal hammers,forges and furnaces to smelt the iron. They had to be very safe Their shop was made of brick so it wouldn’t burn
All tradesmen Colonial tradesmen had apprentices Apprentices were young people who learned from his master/more experienced man. Apprentices were trusted with tools once they learned enough Once an apprentice finished his learning, he would go help other people or take over the shop/.