Common Core: Depth of Knowledge Rigor for Coaches
Sorting Cards
What is Depth of Knowledge (DOK)? 0 A scale of cognitive demand (thinking) to align standards with assessments 0 Based on the research of Norman Webb, University of Wisconsin Center for Education Research and the National Institute for Science Education 0 Defines the “ceiling” or highest DOK level for each Core Content standard for the state assessment 0 Guides item development for state assessments
0 Level 1: Recall and Reproduction 0 Level 2: Skills & Concepts 0 Level 3: Strategic Thinking 0 Level 4: Extended Thinking Levels of Cognitive Complexity
Depth of Knowledge The Depth of Knowledge is NOT determined by the verb, but the context in which the verb is used and the depth of thinking required.
DOK 3- Describe a model that you might use to represent the relationships that exist within the rock cycle. (requires deep understanding of rock cycle and a determination of how best to represent it) DOK 2- Describe the difference between metamorphic and igneous rocks. (requires cognitive processing to determine the differences in the two rock types) DOK 1- Describe three characteristics of metamorphic rocks. (simple recall) One Verb...three DOK levels
DOK is not about difficulty...
4 Myths of Rigor Activity Pull out the“4 Myths of Rigor Article.” Read the introduction paragraph together. Split the group into 4 sections and assign one myth to each section. After reading, the groups should discuss their myth and prepare to share with the larger group. Allow each group to present their myth to the group as a whole and discuss. The next slide is a visual representation of the final section describing what rigor is.
Sorting Activity Chart Do You Want to Change Any of Your Cards?
Answer Key
Depth of Knowledge in a Classroom
A wood shop analogy to help understand the levels of DOK more clearly. Level 1 - Recall is largely teacher dependent. "This is a hammer. This is a saw. Now go back to your stations and name your tools." Here we have very basic factual retrieval Level 2 - Skill/Concept is also largely teacher dependent "I am going to show you how to hammer two pieces of wood together." I show you and explain steps and repeat. I send you back to your table and ask you to hammer two pieces of wood together. This level assumes a basic knowledge of vocabulary and concepts. In levels 1 and 2 students do things whether they are right are wrong. They essentially don't necessarily know why they are doing the task just what it is and how to do it.
Level 3 - Strategic Thinking is highly learner dependent. "I am going to show you how to make a bird house. You are going to make any kind of birdhouse you want based upon my instruction." In this level students must put together concepts they already know and steps they already know, but they must also make choices with that information.
Level 4 - Extended Thinking is also highly learner dependent. "There is a flood coming and we need to close the workshop and build a dam for the town." In this level the teacher is expecting the students to make their own plans, think strategically, and create something. This level essentially asks students to "problematize things." This is a skill that we need to teach children. It causes questions along the way and then students must come up with the solution(s). (The dam could leak, what do we do?)
Instructional Approach to Learning
Depth of knowledge in your classroom Work with a teacher to increase rigor in one of their plans. Bring back to the April meeting to share.
Stop Doing Think About Doing Start Doing How do you assist teachers with “Racheting Up the Rigor” in their lessons?