Тема 2. Давайте розважатися.Урок1 Автор: Кравченко Алла Петрівна 2 клас My toys.


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Presentation transcript:

Тема 2. Давайте розважатися.Урок1 Автор: Кравченко Алла Петрівна 2 клас My toys.

Look, point and say 1. This is a teddy bear. 2. This is a …. 3. … … … ….

My Teddy Bear Listen and repeat I always take my teddy bear Everywhere, everywhere: In a bag with me to school; Or to the swimming pool; On a bus, or in the train; In the sun, or in the rain; In my bed late at night I say to him “ Good night !“

Look and say Alice has got a dog. Dan has got a red apple. She has got a brown teddy bear. He has got a red car. Alice hasn’t got an animal. The boy hasn’t got a toy. The girl has got five toys. Yes No

Listen and read sat-set-sit fad-fed-fid pan-pen-pin nack- neck- nick 5 him-hem-ham bit-bet -bat kin - Ken – can miss-mess- mass pal – pell – pill in – end - and rad – red – rid pip – pep - pap

Write Is it a ball? – Yes, it is. Is it a doll? – No, it isn’t. … … a monkey?- …, … ….