The Social Network Revolution 2015
What is Social Networking? A community of people with a common interest A way to establish personal relationships Interact socially school clubs sports teams religion hobbies olitics workplace ONLINE Let's Talk About This One!!!!! Online, social networking is a website or application that allows users to interact with each other.
Why Do We Use Social Networking Sites? Social Networking in Real Life - Social Experiment
We can keep in touch with people using social media through a variety of ways Raise your hand if you connect with people in the picture to your right : Using only one social platform Using two social platforms Using three social platforms Using four or more social platforms Social Media Platforms
What Are Some Different Social Networking Platforms That Students Might Use ? The Social Network Cartoon Parody
Who Uses Social Networking Sites? Statistics provided by Pew Internet Project's Statistics in chart are from January 2014 As of January 2014, 74% of online adults use social networks A Day in the Life of Social Media
Who is Using Which Social Media Platforms? Facebook 900,000,000 monthly visitors Twitter 310,000,000 monthly visitors LinkedIn 255,000,000 monthly visitors Pinterest 250,000,000 monthly visitors Instagram 100,000,000 monthly visitors Flickr 65,000,000 monthly visitors Vine 42,000,000 monthly visitors
Which social media platform do you use?
Most Common Activity Cont'd
Let's Watch a Vine! Vine
What is Happening to Our Brains from this Social Media Movement What is Happening to Our Brains from this Social Media Movement? Thoughts? 5 Crazy Ways Social Media is Changing your Brain Right Now
Would you show me your online profile(s)? Why? Why Not? Are you exactly as you say you are? Do you use your real name? Age? What about gaming? Should you?
Some things to think about... Do you use your real name or age when communicating with others online? How do you decide who to add as a friend? Do you post pictures? Tag your friends? Tell your location? Would you feel comfortable if I checked your profile? Or your grandma? Who is on your friends list...these teens talk about why it's important to know: Teens Talk Back
We know most of you use social networking sites. Are there any educational reasons to use social networking? What do you like about the networks that you use? What do you NOT like about the networks that you use? Have you ever experienced (or know about) uncomfortable situations that can arise on social media sites? How did you react?
What are some of the pros and cons of social networks? keep in touch with friends meet new people share links, photos, videos, news practise English educational purposes people post too often people post photos or videos of you without permission malicious gossip or bullying misunderstandings can easily arise unknown friends may not be who they seem spam and viruses Pros and Cons to Social Media
Group Activity Each group gets a few cards Discuss the scenarios Some useful language when discussing: I would... I could... He/She should... If I were him/her...
Concluding Activity In groups of 4-5 create a positive tweet or status update to raise awareness in using social networking responsibly Get teachers approval Tweet or change your Facebook status Include @14DLT and tag your schools twitter account
More videos… Social Networking Safety (11min) Social Networking Sites Have Educational Benefits (4min) Social Networking - Educational Benefits(13min) Dos and Donts of Social Networking(3min) 10 dumbest things people posted that got them arrested(3min ) 3min)
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