Simile/Metaphor/ Personification Author’s PurposePlot Organizational Structure Mood and Tone
Define Simile
A comparison of 2 things using the words like or as
Define Metaphor
Comparing two things without like or as
Choose the simile: 1. The cat’s fur was as white as snow 2. The cat’s fur was white
Choose the metaphor: 1. The dog’s fur reminded me of a soft teddy bear 2. The dog’s fur was like a soft teddy bear’s fur
Define Personification
Giving human like qualities to something that is not human
Define the P of the P.I.E.
Define the I of P.I.E.
Define the E of P.I.E.
Which Author’s Purpose does this fit? Buy these new Nike shoes, they will make you jump higher than you ever have!
Which Author’s Purpose does this fit? The cheetah can run faster than any animal. They stalk their prey and use their speed to catch the best animals.
What are the 2 types of characters you can have?
Major and Minor
Define Climax
The point in the story where the characters make a decision on how to solve the problem
Double Jeopardy How much do you want to wager?
What is the resolution?
The solution to the problem
Define Setting
Where the story takes place
What is the rising action?
Events that lead to the climax
Define Chronological Order
Organized by Time
Define Cause and Effect
One thing happens which causes another to happen
Give an example of Classification Scheme
Answer will vary
Give an example of Cause and Effect
Answer will vary
Define Logical Order
Organized by Steps in a Process
Define Mood
The feeling of the characters
Define Tone
The feeling you get from the speech
Give an example of a happy mood
Answer will vary
Give an example of a sad tone
Answer will vary
What is the tone: “I am not happy with your behavior today!”
Upset, Angry, Disappointed