Katie Reinarman
Henry VIII broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and created the Anglican Church Some did not agree with this new church and still considered the pope to be the head of their religion As a result, many were prosecuted
Puritans- wanted to reform the church from within (purify) Separatists- wanted to leave England and set up their own churches These people fled to the Netherlands to practice freely but were dissatisfied by raising their children there
Separatists who fled to the Netherlands made an agreement with the Virginia Co. In 1620, they set out for American led by William Bradford The separatists began calling themselves Pilgrims because the were making their journey for religious reasons
The Pilgrims landed their ship in Cape Cod, rather than Virginia as planned Decided to settle there, but because they would no longer have the laws created by the Virginia Co., they made their own Mayflower Compact- pledged their loyalty to England and outlined their intention to create a colony focused on a better religious life
During the first winter, half of the pilgrims died from malnutrition, disease and cold Two Native Americans names Squanto and Samoset befriended the colonists and showed them how to grow crops, fish and hunt They also helped them make peace with the Wampanoag people that lived in the area
Puritans were still unhappy living under persecution in England and decided to leave Formed Massachusetts Bay Co. John Winthrop led 900 people to settle in Boston Throughout the 1630s over puritans migrated to Boston 1634-settlers demanded a role in gov. and created an elected assembly called the General Court
Some settlers broke away from Boston John Hooker led a congregation south and settled in Hartford, CT Fundamental Orders of Connecticut- constitution outlining the representative government
Roger Williams banished from Massachusetts because of his radical beliefs to respect religious differences and pay the Native Americans for their land He took refuge with Narraganset People and eventually purchased land from them, which later became the colony of Rhode Island A policy was created to rule the colony that stressed religious toleration for all