Mission Statement Our Football Program will provide to our team opportunities to learn life-long values and skills. Our Program is responsible for helping our players, managers and trainers grow into responsible, humble hardworking young people.
Objectives 1.Create an environment where fair play and safety is the highest priority 2.Teach the game of football through a TEAM FIRST attitude 3.Become an integral part of the Cathedral School community by providing leadership in the hallways and classrooms 4.Create a family atmosphere where others are placed above self because BROTHERHOOD IS EVERYTHING 5.Create an environment of academic excellence that allows for wider opportunities after Cathedral
On the Field Philosophy Play harder than any other team in the nation Play great defense Play great offense by utilizing the talent on our team to its fullest Play great special teams though emphasis on fundamentals
TEAM RULES The overriding concern for our team will be to represent the football program, Cathedral High School, the Catholic community, our families and ourselves in a positive manner. We will have four basic guidelines by which we must all abide. 1. Work Hard 2. Be Brothers! 3. Set a Good Example for each other 4. Team First BROTHERHOOD IS EVERYTHING !
ACADEMICS Each member of our football team should look at himself as a student who happens to play high school football. Playing the game of football can be a tremendously positive part of your education. The coaches will help you with your education but, we expect four things from you: 1. Turn in all homework. 2. Be respectful in the classroom. 3. Do your best. 4. Participate in class every day. Compete to be the best that you can be in all phases of your life
LEADERSHIP Athletically, we as coaches hope to develop leadership in all of our players. As an athlete, you will be looked upon as a leader in our school and community. You have the responsibility to make sure that you are a good leader. Wherever you are, it is your duty to conduct yourself in a manner that will bring respect to yourself, your family, our team, and to Cathedral High School. Do what is RIGHT. We expect our older players to reach out and help teach our less experienced players on the way we do things here at Cathedral. We also expect each player to consider themselves leaders of this team. Do not wait for someone else to lead you. All good leaders are first able to lead themselves.
Leadership Class July from 2-3:30pm Coach Streiff will conduct a class on Leadership. The class is free with a book provided for the class. This class is designed for seniors and other sports will be invited. Come learn how to be a leader not just on the field but off the field as well.
Family Buddy List We will pair up Junior and Senior players and Parents to Freshmen parents Goals – Aide the incoming 9 th grade – Ease their movement from Middle School to High School – Help families get questions answered – Bring the incoming families into the fold sooner
PRACTICE ATTENDANCE As a member of the Cathedral Football team, you are expected to attend all practices and meetings unless Coach Streiff or your Position Coach excuses you. You are also expected to be on time for all practices and meetings. Your position coach will be responsible for taking attendance and keeping track of your attendance. There will be established penalties for missing practice or being tardy. Arrive Early for Practice and Meetings Early is on time; On time is late; Late is forgotten. How can you become a better player and how can we reach our potential as a team unless we practice together?
Late or Emergency If an emergency should arise, call me: School: x 384 Cell: Ours is a tough battle, let us fight like Brothers
SUMMER WORKOUTS SUMMER CONDITIONING LIFTING & SKILL DEVELOPMENT SCHEDULE Monday June 3, 2013 Mondays4:00 PM till 7:30 PM Wednesday4:00 PM till 7:30 PM New Times this year
SUMMER WORKOUT REQUIREMENTS We have 16-summer workouts, we expect our players to be at every possible workout. This includes team camp dates and conditioning workouts. You will be credited workouts if you attend sports camp for football or another IHSAA sport.
June Dates 9 th Grader 3:45pm Bus Depart for Burns Field 4:00pm Burns Field – Ft. Ben and Lawrence Parks 5:30pm Bus to Cathedral 5:45-6:30 Weight Room 6:30-6:45Meeting time for 9 th Grade Varsity :00-4:45Varsity Offense – Weight Room at CHS Varsity Defense – Meetings 4:45-5:30Varsity Will Switch 5:45 Bus to Burns Field 6:00-7:30Varsity practice at Burns 7:30 Bus back to CHS
Important Dates May 21-22Equipment Distribution July 1-July 5 No Workouts July 29-August 2 No Workouts August 5, 2013Practice Labor DayPractice 3:30pm Physicals: April 25, 2013 Must have a Completed physical and Concussion form on file in order to participate in summer workouts
Helmets/Concussions Riddell Revolution One of the top 2 as independently tested through the NFL 85% of NFL players are in Revolution Reconditioned to “new” factory certification All are fitted by Mike Hunker IMPACT Testing – Freshmen and Juniors New Law for 2012 – Mike Hunker
Riddell Shop Riddell.com Items available 2 5 Star Helmets Comes with hard cup chinstrap and standard face mask – after shop closes items will arrive in 2 weeks Speed Helmet S-M-L $255 plus shipping and XL is $270 plus shipping 360 – S-M-L $334 plus shipping/XL $350 plus shipping EVX shoulder pad - $150 plus shipping SPX shoulder pad - $240 plus shipping
Helmet/Shoulder Pad Options
Practice Packs/Spirit Wear On line through BSN Go On-line to: Click on My Team Shop Access code: streif6u4 Prices/items are all there