Do you stroll around to see the view? Introduction Do you go straight to your cabin? You are the wealthy Madeline Astor and you are aboard the R.M.S Titanic. Most of the time you love admiring the divine view. There are abundance of people crowding you looking at the luxurious sea that flows. You’re aboard the Titanic with your husband (John Jacob Astor). This is an amazing opportunity; its the first voyage of the ‘unsinkable’ R.M.S Titanic. You smell some delicious food which makes you hungry but your also very sleepy.
You find your cabin with a dark, red door. You walk inside and find a king sized bed, a table – that has mesmerizing patterns carved into it- and a window, to admire the great view. You start unpacking, while your hands shake. You’re wondering will you be alive when you reach your destination? You just remember The Titanic is ‘unsinkable’. The room was so divine. After you unpacked, you don’t know what to do. Do you lie down for a rest? You go to your cabin Do you go for a stroll?
Is John pleased to meet the captain of the ship? You go for a stroll around the ship Is John cross because you went off alone? You leave your cabin and spot the stunning sunset right in front of you. While you reconnoiter the dinning room, you meet an old friend of yours. “Well, well if it isn’t the magnificent Madeline Astor. I haven’t seen you in years!” explain Captain Smith. “Is it actually you Edward Smith?” You ask “ why are you aboard the Titanic, may I ask?” “I’m the captain of this here ship,” explain the Captain Excited that you encountered an old friend, you sit down and order a delectable meal. In the corner of your eye, you spot your husband, John Jacob Astor, running towards you. “ MADELINE … ?”Shouts John “ where have you been?” “I’ve been here talking to Edward Smith, “ you explain.
You lie down for a rest You go for a stroll around the ship. While you enjoy the view, you go to your cabin and unpack. You have a little nap before you go out to have a delicious meal. You find your money ready for your meal with your husband. Looking for an amazing outfit for your meal, you look out of the window and see the silhouette of England. Its an magnificent view from a first class window. You now start wondering what is the third class view like. Is it just the view of the sea?
Do you run away upset? Your husband is cross with you Do you stay and sort things out? Unfortunately, You see a nasty look on your husbands. An argument starts on the top deck with you and your husband. Tears start running down your face, you didn’t want to have an argument on your way home. The boat swerves off course; John blames it all on you for running off. With a tear in your eye, you look up at him and…
Your husband is pleased to meet the captain of the Titanic You enjoy the rest of the trip with John – THE END Fortunately, You see a smile appear on your husband’s face. You move out of the way and see him staring at the captain. “Captain Smith?” John asks. They reminisce about the old times. Captain Smith shows you how the ship is working and also shows you the Captain’s Quarter. “This is such a luxurious view in the Captain’s Quarter” you explain “I know, it’s amazing!!” your husband explain agreeing with you. “ That’s the life of a Captain, you see there’s lots you need to learn but it’s really easy when you get the hang of it,” Captain Smith explains.
You stay and sort things out You enjoy the rest of the trip with John THE END While you stay and sort things out, the captain steers the ship back on course. You both apologize and enjoy the trip with the captain. You and your husband both think that this is the best holiday you’ve ever had. When you got back to America, you have a little girl called Rose and you enjoy the rest of your lives in New York.
You run away upset You decide to go left Upset, you run to the bottom deck as fast as a cheetah. Searching for your room, you find a chair. CRASH!!! You look out the window opposite you. All you see is a winter wonderland outside the miniscle window. “What’s going on? You ask You finally figure out the ship hit an immense iceberg... The water danced while hitting the solid surface of the enormous iceberg. You look out of the window once again, there's no moon but the stars are diamonds in the sky. You hasten down the corridor, at the end of the corridor there’s two more corridors. You decide to go right
You take the left corridor Do you go back the way you came? Terrified you turn left and run trying to find a was to the top of the ship. The water level has risen all the way to your shoulders. Your trapped!!! Running for his life, your husband enters the room with a smile on his face; he found you. Trying to find a way out, your heart is a drum pounding promptly. You scrutinise the view out of the window, all you see is the other half of the White Liner floating away in the distance. John thinks the liner is a cake that has been cut in half. Both of you run as fast as the wind to the end of the hallway. Your hands are quickly quivering, you don’t know where to go. Do you take the right corridor?
You take the right corridor You go back the way you came Running for your life, you find a stairway leading towards the top deck where the lifeboats are. You suddenly stop. Voices on the lower deck are calling for help. “Come on Madeline,” John explains “ the lifeboats are right in front of us!!” “Can’t you hear it?” you ask “passengers need help and your just going to leave them?” John grabs you hand and run down to the bottom deck. Terrified, you see a crack between the wall and the door but you know something is blocking the door. The water is all the way to your hips and John swims down to unblock the door. The people are saved!! After all the people exit, you see a little boy with a frown on his face. You pick up the boy and run to the lifeboats with John by your side.
You go back the way you came You both survive the disaster? THE END You run up the stairs and see one more life boat left!! As fast as your legs could take you, you run to the lifeboat and jump in with your husband and the little boy. While the boat lowers down you hear a voice behind you. “ Excuse me. Where was that little boy, may I ask?” a man with his wife and his daughter asks “ We found him in a room. We saw a frown on his face and we took him. He is too young to die so I saved him.” You explain. “ He is our young son,” the family explains“ and this is our honeymoon but we had to take him with us because he’s too young to stay home alone.” You hand over their young boy. You start sailing near America with the lovely family and go back to your normal life. You end up having an extraordinary baby girl called Rose.