Clone Stamp and Healing Brush By: Doo Paek
Clone Stamp What is it? The Clone Stamp allows the user to duplicate part of an image. When do I use it? Whenever you want to recreate an object in your image, or when you might want to remove a defect in your image. How do I use it? On Gimp, Ctrl + Click on the area you want to Clone. Then Click like you normally would for a brush tool.
Options Much like the normal brush tools you can change the opacity and the width of the brush. You can also change the brush dynamics to change how the cloned image will look when placed.
Healing Stamp What is this? The healing stamp allows the user to fix any imperfection on an image. Ex. – Scratches, smudges, blemishes, and etc. When do I use it? Whenever an images has an irregularity that can be removed. How do I use it? On Gimp, Ctrl + Click on a “clean” part of the image, then (like a normal brush tool) click on the area that can be removed.
Options Much like a normal brush tool you can change the opacity, width, and dynamics.