Use case “Transformation of (meta)data for certain types of resources” Egbert Gramsbergen TU Delft / 3TU.datacentrum Paris Fedora 4 Workshop and User Group Meeting,
Transformation of (meta)data for certain types of resources Motivation We heavily use F3 CMA. We want to have similar functionality in F4. or better This ugly yet powerful thing whith cmodel, sdef and sdep
Story As a repository manager, I want to associate certain types of repository resources with external services to dynamically transform the (meta)data so -they can be harvested by other systems -a richer user experience can be offered by websites using these services These associations can be made and maintained by metadata specialists with knowledge of rdf and related standards, rather than developers. The url of the response will contain the identifier of the repository resource and the name of the service, and hide implementation details. rdf:type No java coding
Real-life example RDF – linked objects Datacite xml
More examples Assemble KML for a geo object from geo:lat and geo:long or KML datastreams of descendants (dct:isPartOf)* Make html landing page for each object (about 20 transforms running on All using Saxon xslt service
Developments supporting this use case? “API Extension Architecture” phase: first draft design-ish Separate from basic Fedora installation Supports more use cases (CRUD) Some similarities to F3 CMA