Page 1 James M. Proper/Rod Heckaman 3D Imaging Using Coded Light Camera Calibration An attempt was made to determine the precision and accuracy of using camera nests for locating one camera in more than one position to gather multiple scene images. Recall the Set-up: Strapped down bar and solid square Strapped down angle plate ProjectorCamera Position 1 Position 2 Mounting table Aerial View of Set-up Object
Page 2 James M. Proper/Rod Heckaman 3D Imaging Using Coded Light Camera Calibration Six circular targets were used on a flat vertical foam-board plate. X, Y and Z coordinates world were established by measuring the location of each target with respect to a fixed origin. Images were taken of the targets after repeatedly removing and replacing the camera from each nest. Ten images were taken at each camera location. Image of circular targets
Page 3 James M. Proper/Rod Heckaman 3D Imaging Using Coded Light Camera Calibration Camera coordinates for each of the six targets were established through multiple DIP steps. oHistogram oThreshold oMorphological location using erosion (center pixel found using a structuring element the same size as the target)
Page 4 James M. Proper/Rod Heckaman 3D Imaging Using Coded Light Camera Calibration The average and standard deviation of the ten images was determined for each target location.
Page 5 James M. Proper/Rod Heckaman 3D Imaging Using Coded Light Camera Calibration The average and standard deviation of the ten images was determined for each target location.
Page 6 James M. Proper/Rod Heckaman 3D Imaging Using Coded Light Camera Calibration Conclusions Morphological techniques may not be the best way to locate targets. As the image becomes distorted, it becomes more difficult to create a structuring element that will locate the center. As the image becomes more distorted, the accuracy becomes worse. This may be strictly due to using the morphological technique. Nevertheless, sub-pixel accuracy may not be possible when moving the camera repeatedly to several different locations. Multiple cameras permanently mounted would be much better.
Page 7 James M. Proper/Rod Heckaman 3D Imaging Using Coded Light Camera Calibration Next Steps Try using different targets such as checkerboard type and use corner detection to determine accuracy. Try using multiple cameras and tripods. This will require calibration and coded light imaging all in one small time frame since it will probably not be practicle to keep the set-up in tact for long periods of time.