FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal TWG-ADS Roadmap, Fuel Cycle sub-group report recommendations, Fuel Cycle studies (CEA, ITU, NEA...) EFTTRA collaboration.


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Presentation transcript:

FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal TWG-ADS Roadmap, Fuel Cycle sub-group report recommendations, Fuel Cycle studies (CEA, ITU, NEA...) EFTTRA collaboration FP5 projects: FUTURE (Oxides), CONFIRM (Nitrides), THORIUM (Thorium Oxides) National programmes and international collaborations: ECRIX, CAMIX/COCHIX, DOE-CEA, FZK-CEA-ITU... FUETRA and ADOPT meetings Background ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

Actinides Radiotoxicity Ingestion radiotoxicity for one ton of spent PWR fuel Common data base: FZK, CEA, ITU ICRP72, 50 GWd/tHM burnup Reference radiotoxicity level: Unat needed to fabricate 1 ton fuel ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

Fuel Cycle Strategies Full multi-recycling: - Pu: 99.5 % P&T efficiency - Am, Cm: % Partial multi-recycling: - Pu: % P&T efficiency - Am, Cm: 90 % Reference level reached after years Fuels and targets studies must be coherent with these strategies ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal Recommended work directions Specialise work in Europe on oxide (alt. nitrides) fuels: design, fabrication, irradiation; relate fuel types to P&T strategy Keep expertise on nitrides and metals by completing existing projects and enhancing international collaboration Integrating the various projects to better coordinate the work programmes and concentrate on main objectives Review the whole fuel cycle including fuel safety, licensing, reprocessing aspects Concerning reprocessing, prepare FP6 project in coordination with PARTITION cluster; define available irradiated fuels ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

Objectives In-pile behaviour demonstration of selected oxide fuels for MA transmutation In particular, study of Helium formation and release mechanisms Comparison with other fuel types through FP5 PIE and enhanced collaboration Determination of materials properties, and development of models and calculation tools (thermomechanical, safety) Address the particular case of Curium Definition of work to be completed for fuel selection and licensing FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Proposal ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

WP1: Coordination (including integration of US and JPN partners) WP2 : Oxide fuels (including composites) - Fabrication, irradiation and PIE ( ) of 4 zirconia-based Am/Pu pins in HFR (study of Helium) - Boron-doped experiment in HFR ( ) (study of He ) - Fabrication, irradiation in Phenix of 4 fuel pins ( ): 2 (Pu,Am)O2+MgO pins, 1 (U,Pu,Am)O2 as link with Superfact and 1 CERMET (Zr,Pu,Am)O2 + metal - Fuel property determination and fuel behaviour modelling - PIE of one KWO Th-MOX segment WP3 : Nitride fuels - PIE on FP5 fuels (CONFIRM)- Reprocessing tests by Partitioning Cluster - Fabrication and Irradiation in Phenix of 2 LANL Am,Pu,Zr nitride pins - Introduction of nitride matrices in Boron experiment - Out-of-pile temperature stability tests - Results of PIE of US LANL and JAERI experiments on nitrides - Fuel property determination and fuel behaviour modelling (incl. Core safety) FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Work Packages Proposal ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

WP4: Metallic fuels - Fabrication and Irradiation in Phenix of 2 ANL Am/Pu metal pins - Results of PIE of US ANL experiments on metals - Fuel property determination and fuel behaviour modelling WP5: Curium management - Study of Curium management (separation, fuel form, transmutation rate) as a function of P&T strategy - Feasibility of Cm fuel fabrication WP 6: Fuel cycle roadmap - Comparison of fuel types vs strategy - Core safety calculations - Definition of further steps to implement a large scale demonstration, and of fuel design and licensing requirements FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Work Packages Proposal ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

FP 6 Integrated Project: FUETRA Work Packages Proposal WP1: Coordination (including integration of US and JPN partners) Est. Budget: 1000kE RTD/FP6: 500kE WP2:Oxide fuels (including composites) Est. Budget: kE RTD/FP6: 5700 kE WP3:Nitride fuels Est. Budget: 5900 kE RTD/FP6: 950 kE WP4: Metallic fuels WP5: Curium management WP6: Fuel cycle roadmap Est. Budget: 3900 kE RTD/FP6: 150 kE Est. Budget: 600 kE RTD/FP6: 300 kE Est. Budget: 1600 kE RTD/FP6: 400 kE Total: kE RTD/FP6: 8000 kE ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002 Very Preliminary Budget Estimate (Dec 02)

Partnership Coordinator: To be determined Research institutes : NRG, CEA, FZK, SCK/CEN, ITU, IE... Industry: BNFL, EDF,... Universities, consultants: KTH, SERCO,... Non-EU partnership: PSI, DOE+Labs, JAERI? FP 6 Integrated Project: Fuels and Targets for Transmutation ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002

Planning Design of HFR and Phenix experiments must start in 2003; fabrication planned To meet irradiation targets, FP6 Contracts should be decided by early 2004 at the latest FP5 results (FUTURE, in ) will be used for irradiation design work; CONFIRM results ( ) used for fuels comparison study; THORIUM as well HFR irradiation (HELIOS): HFR Boron experiment (BOREX): 2004 FUTURIX irradiation: (PIE in FP7) Modelling: Oxides ( ); nitrides+metals ( ) Curium: Fuel cycle roadmap and safety studies: FP 6 Integrated Project: Fuels and Targets for Transmutation ADOPT Meeting: Dec. 10/11, 2002