Cataloging Process New or Improved Spectra Published Search for related information, primarily dipole moment magnitude and direction Fit Spectra with SPFIT Predict Spectrum with SPCAT Predict Spectrum with SPCAT Document process, especially if different from literature Merge measured and predicted spectra Provide files on ftp and www server 6/24/20102JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog
More Directory Files To assist with searching and database organization, e.g. searchable listing of entries that are known in ISM Catalog Structure Catalog file c*.cat Frequency of the line Estimated or experimental error ( indicates error is larger) Base 10 logarithm of the integrated intensity in units of nm2 MHz molecules degrees of freedom in the rotational partition function (0 for atoms, 2 for linear molecules, and 3 for nonlinear) Lower state energy in wavenumbers Upper state degeneracy negative indicates reported experimental error. Identifies the format of the quantum numbers given in the field QN. Quantum numbers for transition Documentation file d*.cat Partition function, dipole moment, prediction cutoffs, references Tags for references in c*.lin Archive files c*.int, c*.par, c*.lin dipole moment, prediction cutoffs, molecular parameters & Hamiltonian, experimental data Directory files catdir.html - links catdir.cat – entry name, # lines, log partition, update # Alternative Catalog Files p*.cat Same format but not merged with experimental data kept in subdirectory /catalog/prediction/ Energy files c*.egy Q uantum numbers for state Energy in wavenumbers Extended calculation of high J and tabulation of energies will enable dynamic Q(T) calculation Kept in archive Calibrated data files c*.dat simple format of experimental data, frequency & intensity – for species with poor or incomplete analyses 6/24/20103JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog
Real Progress - Archive Archive now has html interface 70% complete a 25% increase over 1 year 6/24/20104JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog
Real Progress - MySQL New MySQL ‘meta’database – Unifies documentation and linedata – Provides additional (derived) quantities – Enables expanded content Energy levels Linewidths & rates? SQL Server is on with functionality within JPL Query Interface is being built 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog5
MyPHP look at MySQL database 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog6 New Updates for Multiple Species New MySQL ‘meta’database – Unifies documentation and linedata – Provides additional (derived) quantities – Enables expanded content Energy levels Linewidths & rates? Improved Catalog Archive New Spectral Archive Reference Calculated Frequency Measured Frequency Quality flag
New Homepage 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog7
Example of SQL query 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog8
Developing Standards IVOA - International Virtual Observatory Alliance International Virtual Observatory Alliance – ‘owners’ of SLAP – Simple Line Access Protocol SSLDM – Simple Spectral Line Data Model – The main use of the SSLDM is to provide data model support to the Simple Line Access Protocol, so to allow the consumption of Spectral Line List databases using a common/standard interface. VAMDC (Virtual Atomic and Molecular Data Centre, 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog9
Sharing JPL data Password protected contact Brian Drouin 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog10
Acknowledgements Tony Remijan – Blueprint for SQL database Brian Knosp – web interface, implementing SLAP Bill Adler – system administration Carolyn Brauer, Ed Cohen, Herb Pickett – consulting on archive NASA ADP – funding Copyright 2010 California Institute of Technology Government sponsorship acknowledged 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog11
suggestions wants search window to state limits of listing, min frq, max freq, min intensity, max intensity Enable query type for database limits – number of a quanta, e.g. vibration – Frequency cutoffs – Intensity cutoffs 6/24/2010JPL Millimeter and Submillimeter Catalog12