Objective: Students will identify their personal work values and it’s meaning. Bellwork: What’s the difference between a job and a career?
What’s the difference? A job is a task that may be paid or unpaid A career encompasses your life’s work. You have already begun your career!
What are your values: Time with family & friends Travel Helping others Power/Control Freedom Today in class you will complete a work values survey. For EACH question selection the answer the comes closest to matching your feelings.
On the back page 34 for each question use the following guide and put the number that corresponds to your answer next to that question number. Very True = 9 Sometimes True = 6 Not Sure = 3 Not True = 0
Which category has the highest total? That is the most important to you Do you have a high score in more than one category? Then you might want to try to find a career that satisfies all of your top values Identify your top 3 categories based on score
Careers: Exploring the World of Work