Fall 2007 Survey Results NASSCED Mid-Winter Meeting Minneapolis, MNNovember 29-30, 2007 www.NASSCED.org www.NASSCED.org.


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Presentation transcript:

Fall 2007 Survey Results NASSCED Mid-Winter Meeting Minneapolis, MNNovember 29-30,

Who do we serve? What age group of student leaders does your state association primarily serve? High School96.6% Middle Level71.2% Elementary 16.9% Other10.2%

How many do we serve? How many schools are currently members of your state association? Under % % % % Over %

Do we associate with anyone? Is your state association independent or affiliated with another group? Independent30.5% Affiliated69.5%

How do we get compensated? As a state executive director, are you a paid employee or volunteer? Paid employee, full time16.9% Paid employee, part time10.2% Volunteer, with stipend40.7% Volunteer, expenses only30.5% Volunteer, no reimbursement 1.7%

Are we non-profit organizations? Does your state association currently have 501(c)(3) non-profit organization status? Yes47.5% No37.3% Not sure15.3%

Are we insured, and how well? Does your state association carry an insurance policy, and if so what type? No20.3% Yes, Liability coverage62.7% Yes, Directors & Officers25.4% Yes, other20.3%

Do we endorse other programs? Does your state association officially endorse outside programs? Yes, with an official policy 1.7% Yes, with approval by board36.2% No62.1%

What programs do we conduct? Which of the following programs does your state association conduct on a regular basis? District/Regional Conference86.4% Summer Leadership Camp71.2% State Charity/Service project69.5% Advisors’ Retreat55.9% Other (read on…)50.8%

What programs do we conduct? Responses under “other” included… RSVP Training RSVP Training Advisor of the Year Advisor of the Year Administrator of the Year Administrator of the Year Middle Level Workshops Middle Level Workshops Principal-Advisor-Student Leader (PAL) Conference Principal-Advisor-Student Leader (PAL) Conference Recognition Banquet Recognition Banquet Leadership Institutes Leadership Institutes Member of the Year Member of the Year Adult/Advisers’ Conference Adult/Advisers’ Conference Rookie Workshop Rookie Workshop Program Standards Evaluation Program Standards Evaluation Winter Energizer Winter Energizer State/District Officer Retreat State/District Officer Retreat State/District Officer Training State/District Officer Training New Adviser Workshops New Adviser Workshops State Legislature Day State Legislature Day Student Leader Scholarships Student Leader Scholarships Outstanding Council Program Outstanding Council Program Advisers’ Online Class Advisers’ Online Class All-State Student Council All-State Student Council Activity Advisers’ Workshop Activity Advisers’ Workshop Regional Leadership Workshops Regional Leadership Workshops Honor Student Council Program Honor Student Council Program

But wait… There’s more! Which of the following programs does your state association conduct on a regular basis? Student Leader of the Year32.2% State Board of Education16.9% Student Representation Student Representation Political/Legislative Advocacy15.3%

How do we select our leaders? Which best describes how your state association selects its student board? Students elected directly, statewide38.6% Students elected directly, by region17.5% Schools elected statewide 8.8% Schools elected by region 5.3% Other (read on…)29.8%

How do we select our leaders? Responses under “other” included… Regions elect members to the board, then board selects the officers internally Regions elect members to the board, then board selects the officers internally Applications with adviser endorsement Applications with adviser endorsement Students apply, then Advisory Board elects the officers Students apply, then Advisory Board elects the officers Administrators select students Administrators select students No students on the board, they serve as representatives No students on the board, they serve as representatives Some offices elected, others appointed/selected through interview Some offices elected, others appointed/selected through interview

What about our middle level? Which best applies to middle level students in your state association? Represented on state board40.7% Have their own student board, within 1.7% Have their own student board 5.1% Not represented at the state level 27.1% Other (read on…)25.4%

What about our middle level? Responses under “other” included… Just starting out with middle level Just starting out with middle level Represented by executive committee of advisers, no students Represented by executive committee of advisers, no students Represented if their school is an officer school Represented if their school is an officer school Encouraging regions within the state to sponsor middle level activity Encouraging regions within the state to sponsor middle level activity Middle Level has their own separate association Middle Level has their own separate association They have advocacy from advisers on the state board. They have advocacy from advisers on the state board.

What about our middle level? Which best describes programs offered to middle level students/advisers by your state association? Same as HS, without modifications16.1% Same as HS, with modifications 25.0% Separate events within association28.6% None – are in a separate association 7.1% Other (read on…)23.2%

What about our middle level? Responses under “other” included… Both modified and separate events conducted within association Both modified and separate events conducted within association Currently working on developing a solid middle level program Currently working on developing a solid middle level program We have no middle level students in our association We have no middle level students in our association Middle level students attend regional conferences, but have no state conference Middle level students attend regional conferences, but have no state conference Separate programming is provided by another entity Separate programming is provided by another entity

What about our conventions? Which best describes the annual convention of your state association? No statewide convention 5.1% Single day event 11.9% Multi-day event, host families23.7% Multi-day event, hotel based45.8% Multi-day event, camp/college/retreat13.6%

Fall 2007 Survey Results NASSCED Mid-Winter Meeting Minneapolis, MNNovember 29-30,