Long Time Series for Germany 1 Presentation at the Euroindicators Working Group 10 th Meeting – 3 & 4 December 2007 Luxembourg Stephanus Arz Statistics Department Deutsche Bundesbank Frankfurt am Main, Germany Long Time Series for Germany
2 Outline 0. Occasion 1. The data 2. The metadata
Long Time Series for Germany 3
5 1. Principal Economic Indicators for Germany 1.National Accounts (price adjusted) 2.Employment and labour market 3.Indicators for selected sectors 4.Producer and consumer prices 5.Foreign trade
Long Time Series for Germany National Accounts (price adjusted) ❙ GDP ❙ Domestic use ❙ Private consumption ❙ Government consumption ❙ Gross fixed capital formation ❙ Exports ❙ Imports ❙ Labour costs per employee (nominal)
Long Time Series for Germany Employment and labour market – western Germany and Germany as a whole ❙ Employment ❙ Registered unemployment ❙ Rate of registered unemployment ❙ Vacancies
Long Time Series for Germany Indicators for selected sectors ❙ Industrial production ❙ Orders received by industry (price adjusted) ❙ Production in the construction sector ❙ Retail turnover (at current and at 2000 prices)
Long Time Series for Germany Producer and consumer prices ❙ Producer price index ❙ Consumer price index (national definition) ❙ Harmonised index of consumer prices (up from 1995)
Long Time Series for Germany Foreign trade at current prices in DM/€ billions ❙ Export ❙ Import ❙ Balance
Long Time Series for Germany Details 2.1 Title and explanatory notes (in German and English) ❙ Source of the data
Long Time Series for Germany Details 2.1 Title and explanatory notes (in German and English) ❙ Source of the data ❙ Territorial definition
Long Time Series for Germany Details 2.1 Title and explanatory notes (in German and English) ❙ Source of the data ❙ Territorial definition ❙ Methodological information ❙ Other notes
Long Time Series for Germany Details 2.2 Seasonally adjusted data Seasonal adjustment was derived by (a) using historical figures which were formerly adjusted using Census-X-11 or (a) X-12-ARIMA
Long Time Series for Germany Details 2.3 Linkage operation ❙ Figures for the whole period were often only available in part ❙ They were generally linked into a single series by using annual averages ❙ Econometric estimates to impute missing values were not required