Experiments of light
For all these experiments, you will need one or more of the following. laser light light box and shapes Glass jar Milk
Finding the rainbow Method: place a clear plastic shape, commonly found in light box’s (triangle prism works the best) directly in the beam of light, emitted by the light box. Slowly rotate so the beam of light hits the corner of the box until rainbow appears. Note this experiment works best in a dark room and if the clear shape Is on a piece of white paper.
What's happening When the beam of light hits the edge of the shape at a certain angle, the light split’s into the primary colour's of light, RED GREEN and BLUE.
Laser light Method: fill a glass or beaker with water, shine your laser pointer through. Depending on how clean your water is, you shouldn’t see anything. Add a few drops of milk the shine the laser through again. Tip, This is a good way to see how clean your water is, the more clear the laser line is the dirtier the water.
What's happening The laser is reflecting off the milk particles, causing the laser beam to show up.
More fun with lasers