IIASA Markus Amann International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Emission Inventories, Emission Control Options and Control Strategies A Review of Recent Developments
IIASA Contents Emission inventories Emission control strategies Recent emission projections
IIASA The Global Emission Inventory Activity (GEIA) Framework for developing and evaluating global emissions inventories Critical survey of existing emissions inventories Generating, distributing, and publishing inventories for use by scientists, the regulatory and policy communities and others worldwide Keeping the scientific community updated on work through periodic news bulletins and workshops GEIA Data Management and Communication Center in Boulder, Colorado, USA.
IIASA GEIA data by compound Available data: SO 2, NO x, VOC, NH 3, Black Carbon (fossil fuel/ biomass), CO 2 (fossil fuels), CO, CFCs, CH 4, N 2 O, Reactive Chlorine Emissions Under construction: –DMS, Lead, Mercury, Organochlorines, Primary Particles, Radionuclides
IIASA GEIA data by sources Available data: Nitrogen Oxides in Soils NO x Lightning data Volcanic Sulfur Emissions Under construction: Aircraft Emissions Biomass Burning International Shipping
IIASA UN-FCCC Common Data Reporting Format Status of submissions for 1998
IIASA US-EPA Emission Inventory Clearing House
IIASA General approaches for controlling emissions Technology based (Best Available Technology-BAT, Emission Limit Values-ELV) Emission caps/ceilings Economic instruments (emission trading, pollution charges, etc.) New focus on the multi-pollutant context
IIASA A multi-pollutant/multi-effect problem
IIASA The model: RAINS Energy/agriculture projections Emissions Emission control options Atmospheric dispersion Environmental impacts Environmental targets Costs OPTIMIZATION
IIASA The G5/2 scenario guiding the negotiations of the Gothenburg Protocol
IIASA Factors contributing to the decline of European SO 2 emissions Source: Wuester, 2000
IIASA Recent emission trends in the US Source: US-EPA
IIASA SO 2 emissions projections for Asia The 1994 vs perspective
IIASA A NO x projection for East Asia Source: Klimont et al., IIASA
IIASA Ratio of NO x to VOC emissions in East Asia (CLE)