Habit 1 Be Proactive
Warm-up Describe what this means, “I am the force. I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I’m responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver’s seat of my destiny, not just a passenger.”
Quick Write Describe the word “proactive” in one word. What comes to mind when hearing the phrase, “begin with the end in mind”?
Proactive vs Reactive Reactive people make choices based on emotions, feelings, their moods and on impulse Proactive people make choices based on principles/values
Examples of Reactive and Proactive choices Turn to page 50-Read Scenario 2 What are the consequences of the Reactive choices? What are the consequences of the Proactive choices?
ReactiveProactive LanguageLanguage I have toI’ll do it I’ll tryI choose to WW
Reactive people feel like Victims Are easily offended Blame others Get angry and say things they regret Whine and complain Wait for things to happen to them Change only when they have to
Proactive people feel like They are NOT easily offended Take responsibility for their choices Think before they act Bounce back when something bad happens Always find a way to make it happen Focus on things they can do something about and not about the things they can’t
What can we control? We can’t control everything – Our skin color – Who our parents are – How others might treat us – Weather We can control how we respond to what happens to us – Reactions W
Responding to setbacks We can turn our thinking around to respond to a negative by making it a positive – An accident – Abuse – Our home life W
Becoming more Proactive Take responsibility for your life Have a CAN-DO attitude pg. 63 – Take initative to make it happen – Think about solutions and options – Act W
Just Push Pause When you have a situation you want to respond in some way think… – Just Push Pause – Use your 4 tools in your toolbox Self- awareness-stand apart from myself and look objectively Conscience-I listen to my inner voice to know what is right and wrong Imagination-I can envision new possibilities I have the power to choose W
After (2 post-it notes) On a post-it-note write this sentence and fill in the blank. – I’m not going to let ___________ decide how I’m going to feel. – Ex. Depression, someone’s name, sickness, anger Identify a negative label others may have given you. Think up a few things you can do to change that label. – Negative label: _____________________ – How to change it: ___________________