Language Arts Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Turn in: Martin Luther King Jr. Poetry Take out reading/writing journal AND vocab/grammar journal Put in planner: L Vocab and Parts of Speech Quiz- Tomorrow
In your reading/writing journal, find a new page and label it “01/19/16 Journal” You are going to be doing a creative writing journal prompt. You will have two choices for which one you would like to respond to. If you get stuck….
Prompt option #1
Prompt #2
Text Structure Fill in your “Text Structure” note sheet as we go through the PowerPoint slides.
Text Structure When you are reading informational text, you will notice that authors use many different text structures or organizational patterns to organize their information. Your note sheet includes a chart that lists signal words, definitions, and examples of some of the most common text structures you will encounter when reading informational text
Compare and Contrast Define: The writer discusses the similarities and differences of two ideas, objects, or processes. Signal Words: different from, same as, alike, similar to, unlike, but, as well as, yet, either… or, compared to, in contrast, while, although, unless, however Graphic Organizer: Venn diagram- shows how things are alike and different Example: Golden Eagles are apt to hunt for prey while Bald Eagles are more likely to take an easy meal o Comparing two types of eagles
Cause and Effect Define: The writer explains the reasons for an event or phenomenon Signal Words: so that, because of, thus, unless, since, as a result, then, reasons for, consequently, explanation for, nevertheless, thus, accordingly Graphic Organizer: One cause leads to multiple effects (in the example in your notes) Example: So many Bald Eagles were killed by pesticides and illegal hunting. They were in danger of becoming extinct. o Cause: eagles killed by pesticides and hunting o Effect: becoming extinct
Chronological or Sequence Define: The writer presents a series of events or explains a procedure or process in the order they happen Signal Words: first, second, third, now, before, after, then, next, finally, following, while, meanwhile, last, during, not long, when, on (fill in date) Graphic Organizer: Chronological: timeline structure or Sequence: step-by-step (like a recipe) Example: First, Golden Eagles soar high along ridges near their nests. Then, they search for prey. When a meal is spotted, they attack in a long swoop
Problem/Solution Define: The writer explains a dilemma or concerning issues (problem) and something that was, can be, or should be done to remedy it (solution) Signal Words: Propose, solution, answer, issue, problem, problematic, remedy, prevention, fix Graphic Organizer: Lay out the problem and then the potential or attempted solutions Example: Golden Eagles are in danger of extinction. Environmental organizations are working to implement laws to protect them.
Concept/Definition Define: The writer introduces an idea and explains what it is Signal Words: is, for example, involves, can be, defined, an example, for instance, in fact, also, contain, make up Graphic Organizer: A concept/idea/subject at the center and then defining characteristics branching out from main idea Example: Golden Eagles are powerful raptors with large dark brown bodies and small heads with golden crowns o Explaining what Golden Eagles are and their characteristics
Listing Define: The writer presents information in a structure that resembles an outline. It is often presented in bulleted format Signal Words: to begin with, first, second, in addition, next, then, last, finally, another, also, most important Graphic Organizer: Often bulleted Example: 1.Golden Eagles are birds of prey 2.Golden Eagles search for prey 3.Golden Eagles swoop through the air to attack their prey
Text Structure Practice 1.Read passages Figure out which passage matches each text structure on the reverse side (hint: think about signal words) 3.Fill out the graphic organizers with the information from the correct passage **Not all text structures from the PowerPoint are represented on the worksheet. Put name on sheet If you finish early, silently read, study vocab, work on other HW